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Normal P.O.V.

I let my guard down, that's how he hurt me.

You wanted nothing more than for him to get out of your life. He was nothing but someone who played with your heart.

You had rushed to get out of that restaurant as quickly as possible, not wanting to be stopped by him.

Although you couldn't help but miss him.

"______ wait up!" You recognized Taehyung's voice.

"I don't think I ever asked why you were wearing something of Suga's," He said, tilting his head. You sighed.

"I don't really know." You shoved your hands into the jacket pockets. Taehyung had insisted you keep his hoodie and you hadn't seen Yoongi enough to give his back.

There was a part of you that didn't want to give it back anyways.

"Oh, okay. Where're you going?" He asked.

"My apartment."

"Why not spend the night at the dorm?"

"I can't," You replied immediately.

"Oh, I see. Can I spend the night with you then?"

You blinked in surprise.

"Sure, just get your stuff first," You replied. He gave you a bright smile before nodding and walking in the direction of the other guys. You noticed Jungkook and Yoongi weren't with them, but you continued on your way.

It wasn't your business.

I can just say I've fallen for Taehyung, and maybe eventually I will. It'll get me over him, that's for sure. I just need to develop feelings for Taehyung instead.

That would be so much easier anyway. He hasn't hurt me once. He obviously cares about me, so why didn't I fall for him first? It would've saved a lot of trouble.

I didn't mean to fall for Yoongi, that happened on its own.

You continued thinking on your way back to your apartment. The last thought that crossed your mind caught you off guard, but it was true.

Falling for him was so natural. It's so weird I used to only see them on shows and in videos and now I see them every single day.

I wonder what exactly do they see in me? They're famous and I'm not.

What am I saying? Being famous doesn't matter. They're humans just like me, except they have to put up acts everyday to please people.

It probably stresses them out. Maybe it's changed who they are, I wouldn't know. I do know that I like them more in person because it shows who they truly are.

You unlocked your door and walked in the apartment, flipping on the lights and laying on the couch. You took your phone out of your pocket to see Taehyung had posted the picture of you guys at the restaurant on Twitter.

That was before Yoongi showed up. Is that why he came? He saw me? No, that wouldn't be it. He doesn't love me so that couldn't be the reason.

You went back to your messages and saw the ones you had exchanged with him.

He doesn't feel the same way I do, I just have to disconnect that feeling and reconnect it with Taehyung.

You closed your eyes and set your phone on your stomach. You waited for the knock at the door that would signal Taehyung was here.

You opened your eyes and checked the time on your phone.

It's been two hours? I fell asleep!

You quickly sat up and looked around. You saw Taehyung asleep in the recliner close to you. There was something next to the chair that caught your eye.

It was a bag without a label, so you couldn't tell where he'd gotten it. You didn't want to wake him up, but you knew you had to.

"Hey, Taehyung, wake up," You said softly. You saw him squint at you before smiling.

"You're awake," He said, sitting up.

You nodded, watching him as he grabbed the bag that was next to the chair.

"Here you go," He said, handing it to you.

"What is it?" You asked, taking it from him.

"You'll see." He leaned back and closed his eyes again, putting his hands behind his head.

You reached in and felt something soft. You pulled it out to find a small teddy bear with a note on it.

I can remember the day we first met. I knew I wouldn't be the only one who liked you, and I wasn't wrong. There are some members who feel like you're family, and others who feel like you're something else. There's so much I want to do with you and I hope you're willing to do them with me. There's a lot you don't know about us, but soon you'll know everything. I'm sure of it. Your beautiful mind can figure anything out. Now I hope you return my feelings, because I see you as more than just a friend. Definitely more than some fangirl. Do you see me that way, too?
- Taehyung

You sighed and looked up at him. He still had his eyes closed, but you could see he had a small smile on his face. He opened one eye and his grin grew wider.

"Well? What's your answer?" He asked you.

Do you see me that way, too?

You smiled and nodded happily.

"I do, I see you that way."

"______, I love you, don't forget that," He said.

"I won't, I love you too Taehyung."

In your heart you knew that wasn't true, but your mind told you it was. Although, fate had something else in mind for you.

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