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You saw Taehyung singing with so much passion.

They really give a lot for this. They love what they do.

He looked in your direction and you saw his expression light up when he saw you were already focused on him. He genuinely loved you, no games.

You smiled widely at him and he winked at you, causing all the girls around you to scream.

He's loved by so many others, why'd he pick me?

Yoongi glanced over at you once more, and seeing that you were looking somewhere else he looked around to see what you were seeing.

You saw his smile falter when his gaze fell upon Taehyung.

He was lying! I have to talk to him after this performance.

You enjoyed their songs as the concert went on, singing along with the things you knew. Suddenly everyone was silent and staring at Yoongi. No one said anything, and no one was moving. It was obviously his part, so what was he doing?

"I'm sorry. I can't do this right now." You watched as he dropped the microphone he'd been using and turned his back to the crowd.

Still, no one said anything. The people here seemed to be endless, but not a single voice could be heard. Yoongi walked backstage, while nobody tired to stop him. Everyone just watched.

What was that? He just left the performance midway. He abandoned the other members on stage and the crowd who came to watch them.

The crowd suddenly wasn't silent anymore and you could see a lot of people panicking.

"What's wrong with Suga-Oppa?" You heard a girl ask aloud.

You don't even know him and you're calling him oppa? You look twice his age!

You quickly stopped your train of thought and realized something.

Am I jealous of all these girls that love him? That he has the chance to choose any of them over me? Why do I care more about the fans loving him rather than Taehyung?

You started weaving your way through the large sea of people. You slipped through small spaces quietly as you made your way to the door that lead to backstage.

"Everyone calm down, he's probably just not feeling well," You heard Hoseok say.

"We'll just continue the concert and keep you guys updated on how he's feeling," Jimin reassured everyone. Jungkook began to sing and the crowd fell silent again.

You were basically sprinting once you had made it out of all the people. You raced through the door and started searching for Yoongi.

Come on, he has to be somewhere!

You thought about where you may find him and decided to look somewhere he could sit down, or relax.

Sure enough he was sitting on a couch, his elbows on his knees and his fingers massaging his temples.

"Yoongi, what're you doing?" You asked angrily.

"What do you care?" He almost yelled back.

"What do I care? You just left them to sing on their own! Why?"

He sighed and quickly stood up, slamming you against the nearest wall.

"Because of you," He whispered. This scared you even more than when he was yelling.

"You're the one that rejected me and told me to be with someone else," You replied quietly. His grip tightened on your shoulders.

"You seem to love him more anyway, so why're you complaining?" His voice was still low and deep, as though he was threatening you to say you weren't complaining, that you were in love with Taehyung.

"What if I told you that wasn't true, what if I said I still love you?" You asked bravely. Your shoulders were starting to hurt from his firm grip, which only grew stronger when you spoke.

"Stop lying!" He yelled at you.

"I'm not lying! Why would I lie about this?" You replied, matching his tone of voice.

"No one has a good heart with pure intentions ______, why should I believe you do?" He was talking more normally now and he'd softened his grip.

"I would never lie about loving someone, never. That hurts more than I could ever explain, I'm never going to bring that pain to someone else." You stopped talking. You just lied.

Taehyung. I've been lying this entire time to Taehyung.

"Wait. I have lied to someone about loving them, but that's because I was forced to." You finally looked him in the eye.

"By you."

Unfair | Suga | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now