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"What'd he want to talk about?" Taehyung asked as you pushed the door open.

"It was really nothing," You replied as you walked back to your bedroom. You took his hoodie off and put on Taehyung's instead. His scent overwhelmed you, but that was a good thing.

             "Oh, I see. It's alright if you don't want to talk about it," You heard him. He sounded extremely close. You turned around to find him leaning in the doorway.

             "Why'd you change hoodies?" He tilted his head. You could see he was genuinely concerned for you, which made you feel absolutely incredible, but heart broken at the same time.

            "This one is thicker," You lied, putting your hands in the pockets. He shrugged.

           "If you say so. I just know it looks adorable when you wear it." You looked up, flustered.

           "A-Ah, thank you," You replied. You looked down at the ground. You'd really fall for him soon and your mind wouldn't constantly be on Yoongi, you believed it.

            You were so lost in your own thoughts that you hadn't noticed he'd started coming closer. He wrapped his arms around your waist and swayed a little.

           You felt a small smile spread across your lips immediately as he began to softly sing. His voice really was soothing.

           You looked up at him from where he was hugging you from behind. There was so much to appreciate in him, he truly was undeniable.

          So why am I denying him time and time again?

          I hate Yoongi, if only I hadn't gotten involved with him I'd already be in love with Taehyung.

        You went back to listening to his singing. It was much better than what your own thoughts were at the moment.

         You suddenly recognized the song he was singing, and began so sing with him.

You saw him smile when you joined in. Although, you felt as if you weren't putting your heart into it.

I'm being forced to be such a fake for a boy who should make me feel more real. What should I do? Yoongi doesn't want me anymore.

You faltered and fell silent.

"What's the matter, ______-ah?" Taehyung asked, his arms still around you.

"Nothing, sorry I was just lost in thought."

Well part of that it true. I wonder if Yoongi thinks of me, too. No, he completely threw me aside, I probably never cross his mind.

"I'm tired, I think I'll just take a nap," You told him. He gave you a worried look.

"Are you sick? If you are I could go get you medicine," He offered.

You shook your head.

"I'm not sick, I promise. I'll set an alarm to be sure I wake up to spend more time with you," You reassured him, offering him a smile that you hoped looked real enough.

"Okay, I hope you feel well rested!" He said cheerfully before leaving you to your room.

Yoongi is making me such a liar.

You looked around the room and saw Yoongi's hoodie on the floor. You grabbed it before crawling into your bed.

You really weren't tired, but you were desperate for a way to be with him. Your dreams were the perfect place, anything could happen. You began to imagine everything was like it was when you were with him.

Look at me, I'm being so pathetic. What's the point? This will just hurt me more. That's never happening again. Ever.

You held the hoodie close to you, feeling the all too familiar tears welling up once again.

I'm such a crybaby, how do they deal with me?

You held onto the jacket even tighter, trying to muffle your cries so Taehyung wouldn't hear.

Why does it have to be like this? I wish I loved you Taehyung, I wish you occupied my every though, but you don't.

Unfair | Suga | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now