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            Normal P.O.V.

         You couldn't believe he'd apologized, and even asked to go back to the way you were before. It was more than anything you could've hoped for.

          You were back at the dorm, sitting on the couch by yourself and watching a movie. The boys all seemed to be busy. They were famous after all, what else could you expect?

After a few minutes, you saw Yoongi walk into the living room. He was holding one of his hoodies in his hands.

"Hey, um, would you mind wearing this instead?" You blinked, confused at first. Then you remembered. You were still wearing Taehyung's hoodie.

"Why?" You curiously asked him. You were kind of teasing him, knowing he wouldn't want to answer. He hesitated, but ended up giving in after only a few seconds.

"I don't want to see you in his jacket," He mumbled. He held out his own with both hands. You laughed a little before taking it.

"Why not?" You knew you were pushing your luck, but your curiosity was getting the better of you.

You slid Taehyung's hoodie over your head as you waited for his response.

"Well, why should I tell you?" He sat beside you on the couch as you pulled his hoodie on.

"I'm curious! Tell me!" You began to poke his cheek stubbornly until he laughed and finally gave you an answer.

"Because I love you."

The words hung in the air for a moment. You had stopped completely and were staring at him, wide eyed. Your finger was hovering right by his cheek, which was turning a bright shade of red.

He'd said it.

You slowly lowered your hand to your lap before a wide smile spread across your lips.

"Ah, Yoongi. I love you too." He immediately looked at you, shocked with how you'd responded.

Before he could say anything you said, "But I have to ask you something."

"What's that?"

"Why on earth would you love someone like me?"

You saw his expression quickly change.

"Someone like you? What do you mean by that?"

You sighed. "I'm not the prettiest, I don't think. You're a whole lot better looking than me. I'm stubborn, and I could probably go on-"

"Not the prettiest? Stubborn? Wait, you think you aren't pretty?" His surprised expression returned to him.

"Well, no, why would I?"

"______, you're gorgeous. Don't say things like that."

"G-Gorgeous?" He nodded.

"Thank you, Yoongi," You said quietly, looking down with a shy smile.

"I'm only being honest. Plus, I like that you're stubborn." You let out a wide yawn before half closing your eyes. You felt so tired after that emotional breakdown.

"Are you sleepy?" He asked you.

You nodded silently. He got up and picked you up off the couch.

"What're you doing?" You didn't bother to resist, but simply asked him a question.

"Taking you to rest."

"But we passed my room."

"I wasn't going to your room."

"Then where are we going?"

Just as you said that he opened the door to his room. His room?

He set you down on his bed, which was way more comfortable than you would've expected.

"So comfy," You mumbled, getting under the blanket. You felt movement and saw him climb in next to you.

Before you could question him, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him.

"Sleep now, you need to rest," He ordered. You almost immediately fell asleep, being cuddled by him and under the warm covers.

"Hey, wake up." Someone was softly calling out to you while shaking your shoulder. You slowly opened your eyes to find Yoongi. He was way too close.

"W-What happened? Why am I in your room?" You panicked and quickly sat up. He laughed and offered you an explanation.

"You were getting tired and I still wanted to be with you, so I rested with you. Were you really that tired?"

"I guess so..." You trailed off.

"Ah, that's cute," You heard him mumble. You knew exactly what he said, but wanted to see if he'd clarify.

"What was that?" He hesitated, just as you'd expected.

"I said that was cute," He finally admitted. You shyly smiled and thanked him for the compliment.

It felt so nice to finally be together.

Unfair | Suga | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now