3. Engagements

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Joellyn had changed for the evening and was waiting for someone to come escort her.  She was positive she would not remember how to get out to the courtyard again much less find her way to the banquet hall.  So she looked out the window and saw that people were slowly arriving.  It seemed as if the Starks had invited many of their wards to the feast.  This was unusual to Joellyn.  Her father never really seemed to care much for those in Lannisport or the area surrounding Casterly Rock.  Her sister and the King certainly didn't care much about the people in King's Landing.  Seeing a Lord and a Lady take care of their people by providing food and entertainment for an evening was heartening.  It is so easy to focus on all of the evils of the world.  It was nice to see some good.

Her thoughts were interruped by a knock on her door.  She opened the door to see Jaime and she smiled at him saying, "Good evening brother."

He smiled back softly, but the smile seemed a bit forced and he said, "Lord Stark and the King have requested our presence before the feast.  It seems as though there are things that need to be discussed before we begin the festivities tonight."

Joellyn felt her heart sink.  This all but confirmed her suspicions.  She took Jaime's arm and let him escort her silently to wherever Lord Stark and the King were waiting.  She supposed it could be worse.  Robb Stark is very handsome.  He's a good mix of his handsome father and beautiful mother with the dark, curly hair of the Starks and the blue eyes of the Tulleys.  She also had to admit to herself that he was built very well and had all the polite manners that a man should have with a woman.  This didn't really make her feel better, though.  Joellyn had known for almost her whole life that her father would probably one day choose who she would marry.  She had just foolishly held onto hope that he would allow her to make the choice for herself.  She saw the unhappiness that Cersei had in her marriage and the unhappiness that Tyrion had anytime his brief marriage that their father had ended was mentioned.  Joellyn didn't want this unhappiness for herself.  Sometimes she really envied Jaime taking that choice away from their father.  By choosing to join the King's Guard, he gave up any rights to titles, lands, and marriage.  This took control of Jaime's life out of Tywin Lannister's hands.

She noticed that Jaime had stopped walking and looked down at her.  Joellyn gave him a questioning look and he said, "Jo, you're not stupid.  You know what this is about.  Our father decided that it should be hidden from you until we got here."

Joellyn nodded and simply said, "Let's not keep them waiting."

As the entered the room, Joellyn saw Lord and Lady Stark with Robb and Sansa, King Robert, Cersei, and Joffrey already present in the room.  More of the puzzle pieces started to fit into place as she took in everyone that was present.  Lannister, Baratheon, and Stark would all be aligned with the marriages that were being arranged right now.  Three of the most powerful houses in the Seven Kingdoms would be united.  Tywin Lannister was getting his way after all.

King Robert spoke first saying, "Ned, Catelyn, you have my thanks for the hospitality and pains you have gone through to prepare Winterfell for our visit.  Since you are so kind to have a welcome feast our first night here, I thought we might make a few announcements to brighten the people's spirits even more!  House Baratheon and House Stark were to be united many years ago before those damn Targaryens ruined everything.  Our houses will be united now, though.  My son Joffrey and your daughter Sansa will be married and one day be the King and Queen of all Westeros."

Joellyn saw delight in Sansa's face, but she was the only one who actually seemed all that delighted by the news.  Joffrey did manage to look somewhat pleased, but he was going to be getting a very beautiful wife who wanted nothing more than to love her husband and be queen.  That, at least, should make him happy.

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