Chapter 3

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Chapter(s): Chapter 1
Word count: 1145 Words
Song: She Looks So Perfect, 5 Seconds of Summer

"ELLIE." WAS ALL it took for me to melt away and almost fall down the stairs, but, as I descended down a few steps, Luke stepped up right on time and caught me. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I looked up at Luke Robert Hemmings, into his ice cold blue eyes, like the ocean in Antarctica, and focused on his hard, black lip ring, going into his mouth and curling back out and making his lips look even more delicious, his hair the colour of the hay on an autumn day on a farm. His height, looking even taller than before and lanky like a beanstalk as he towered over me, despite the fact that he was a few stairs below me. His upper body looked like it had gained some much needed muscle on tour and the shirt hugged his arms in all the right ways. I couldn't help but gaze at all of this small changes in Luke and feel myself melt at such sight.

   Luke grabbed my bags from my hands and set them down beside him before he wrapped his arms around me again. I could feel every hair on my body stand up when he sniffed my auburn red hair and kissed the top of my head. This lanky, teenage boy sent goosebumps all around my body and almost left me out of breath.

   "Luke." I whispered gingerly against his rough, yet soft, skin. "I didn't expect you to come all the way up here." I said as we both pulled away from each other's grasp, but not before a took a whiff of his smell. He still has the same scent, the one that drives me wild... "You never come up here. At least not in years." I looked into his eyes, the ones that looked like a blue whirl pool. His eyes could get me lost in them in one second flat.

   "I was too excited to see you, Elle, that I came with Mum so we could get you." He still calls me Elle. I thought that was a one time thing last summer.... He looked at me and I knew what he saw as his blue eyes dilate to the second power. "You, you Ellie, were the one who stole my jacket?" The way Luke looked at me, he looked at me like he thought I had three heads, three heads that couldn't possibly fit on my body, instead of my one, proportional head.

   A smirk was painted on my face as did a small twirl on the stairs, just so Luke could get a good look at me with his jacket on my body. "You like? Am I good girl still?" I stuck my tongue out and bit the corner of my lip. I even winked a few times at him just to empathise the point that I had stolen his jacket right under his nose, without him knowing last summer. He's so stupid that he didn't even take the time to connect the dots after he realised it was gone. But I love him anyways, no matter how stupid he is.

   "You're a good girl that hasn't been caught, Els." He chuckled at his own joke before the tall, 1.9 metre teen picked me up off of the fifth stair up where I had stopped and put me down beside him on the landing. "It looks good on you though." He rubbed my shoulder, feeling the genuine leather the jacket that was once his was composed of.

   "Thanks, Luke." I smiled at him. I went over to Liz, my adoptive mother, who stood beside Mum near the door and gave her the biggest smile I could hold on my face. "Mumma Liz!" I squealed as she wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a tight embrace. Uff! I could feel my bones cracking under my skin, but, I couldn't pull away. I missed her too much.

   "Ellie, dear! Oh my goodness! You don't change in a year! I missed you loads!" Liz shrieked. She kissed my head as she pulled away. "Are you ready, love?"

   I looked at Mum, who wore a pleasant and approving smile on her face, something I haven't seen in a long time. My eyes shifted back to Liz. "Not yet. I still have to get my riding boots and my hoodie, which are downstairs in the basement."

   Mum looked at me, already starting to grin. "Well go get them dearie. We don't want to leave Lizzie here waiting for centuries."

  Liz looked at me and chuckled to herself. "Oh Frankie, give the girl a break. Kiddo, take your time. Luke and I can wait." She looked at her son and then back at her best friend. "Besides, I haven't seen you in a while and we haven't spoken."

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