Azula's Attack

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I jolt awake from the nightmare, screaming. I shake my head as I realize this is the fifth time this week.

"Kaida, are you okay?!" I hear my siblings run over to where I'm laying.

"I'm fine." I sigh while standing to my feet. "Just another nightmare," I shake my head, walking past them towards the balcony.

"Kaida-" my siblings began after me, but I continue outside.
I walk out onto the balcony and look up at the stars. "Kai?" I heard a small, deep voice from behind me and I turn my gaze to it.

"Hey, Zuko." I smile. "What are you doing awake?" He asks as he walks up and leans against the railing beside me.

"Nightmare." I chuckle softly.

"Again?" He looks at me with concern in his eyes.

I turn back and look towards the sky biting my lip, "Yeah, again."

He walks closer and wraps an arm around me while resting his chin on the top of my head. I intertwine our fingers and smile a bit. "I'll be okay, Zuko," I whisper softly.

Zuko was my best friend and I felt safest with him around.

~Next Morning~

I wake up and begin sitting up. I didn't remember coming back to my sleeping bag, so I figured Zuko must've carried me.

I turn my head as I'm stretching and see Katara walking over towards my sleeping area. I see her facial expression change from worry to aggravated and glance to my right. I see Zuko laying not so far from me.

I look back up to my younger sister and see her grow even more aggravated as she looks from Zuko to me.

    Zuko begins yawning and stretching as he sits up. He rubs his eyes and looks over at us.

"Good morning, ladi-" Just then a blue fireball busts through the wall and flies right past my head. I look towards the direction it had come from and look between Katara and Zuko

Explosions started blasting everywhere. One of the explosions caused rocks to fall from above us heading towards Katara. Zuko jumps up out of his sleeping bag and runs to her. The rocks crash into the floor as Zuko knocks her out of the way and lands on top of her. "What are you doing?" She yells at him as she pushes against his chest to get him off of her. "Keeping rocks from crushing you." He says, annoyed "Okay, I'm not crushed, you can get off me now." She forces herself from underneath him. "I'll take that as a thank you." He shakes his head as he stands to his feet.

Toph runs to the farthest wall from the attack and makes a tunnel. "Come on, we can get out through here." Everyone but Zuko and I runs to the tunnel. "Kaida, go with the others." He shouts at me. "I believe this is a family matter." I shake my head "I'm not leaving you."

    I hear Aang yelling at us to come on as we look into the sky and see Zuko's bratty little sister Azula dancing blue fire around her hand.

"Zuzu!" She taunts, "And I see you brought along your girl toy." She smirks. "What ever happened to your girlfriend, Mai?" I open the water pouch on my side and get ready to use it. "What do you want, Azula?" Zuko yells at her.

"You mean it's not obvious yet? I'm about to celebrate being an only child." She exclaims, throwing the fire at him. I throw my hands up and shoot the water out of my pouch to block the fire. "Kai, please. I need you to get out of here!" Zuko commands loudly.

    "Kaida!" I hear Katara and Sokka yell. I turn and look at my siblings as they motion for me to follow them. I then look back at Zuko. "Zuko, I can't leave you." He takes a deep breath as he looks at me. "Kai, you have to. I need you to go with the others now." Azula smirks. "Yes, leave us. Zuzu and I have some business to attend to." I grit my teeth as I get into a fighting stance. "No, I'm not leaving you." He glares at me. "Kaida, please! Go now!" He shouts as he is turning back to his sister and getting in a fighting stance. I feel Sokka and Katara grab me by my arms and begin pulling me with them. "We can't just leave him, Zuko needs us." I try to fight against their hold.

We get through the tunnel and get on Appa and begin flying off. I hear the yells from Azula and Zuko as they begin fighting. "Zuko is in trouble, we can't just leave him." Tears well up in my eyes, worry clear in my voice. "He'll be okay, Kaida." Katara wraps an arm around my shoulder. I look up and see Zuko fall off the airship. "Zuko!" I yell almost jumping up. Aang flies Appa towards him. Katara reaches and grabs Zuko's hand and pulls him onto Appa. I wrap my arms around Zuko with tears falling. "You had me worried, you idiot." Zuko chuckles softly wrapping an arm around me. "I'm fine."

We turn to watch as Azula fell, "She's not going to make it," Zuko mutters softly. Azula throws her hands behind her & uses her fire to fly her towards the cliff. "Of course she does." He exhales as we fly off.
We fly in the sky looking for a good campsite. Zuko turns and looks me deep in my eyes and I see the stern look in his face. "Kai, next time I tell you to get out of somewhere, please listen."

"How can I? You wouldn't listen to me." I cross my arms. "Besides, I'm not leaving you behind to be killed by your psychotic sister." Zuko sighs heavily and turns to look away. Karata shifts her gaze between Zuko and I.

I study my sister as her eyes stop on Zuko & I see where she wants to forgive him, but it seems as though something is holding her back.

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