Agni Kai

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     We stay in the air, and I look down at the ground below us. Was I afraid of what was going on? Yes. Will I let that stop me from helping the best I could? No.

    "We can handle Azula." Katara comforts a worried Zuko. I glance over, and give a soft smile, as Zuko looks at her. "It's not Azula I'm worried about. I'm worried about Aang. What if he doesn't have the guts to take out my father? What if he loses?" My smile disappears and I move closer to them.

"We can't think like that." I mutter softly, looking down.

Katara nods, "Aang won't lose. He's going to come back. He has to." She softly whispers, looking forward.

    We continue flying, and I scoot closer to Zuko, resting my head on his shoulder.
We arrive at the palace and Appa lands. I slide off of Appa and keep in the shadows.

"Sorry, but you're not going to become Fire Lord today. I am," Zuko states, jumping off of Appa. Katara follows suit as Azula laughs. Her outer appearance clearly showed the insanity on the inside. It looked like a 5 year old took scissors to her bangs, with the way one side was shorter than the other.

"You're hilarious." Azula laughs.

"And you're going down." Katara clenches her teeth together. "Hey, Zuzu, where's the other waterbender girl? What was her name? Kaida? Or did you replace her with this one?" Azula teases, and I roll my eyes.

"I'm right here." I walk closer so she can see me. Azula smirks and then turns back to Zuko.

The guy behind Azula goes to put the Fire Lord hairpiece on her, and she stops him.

"Wait, you want to be Fire Lord? Fine. Let's settle this. Just you and me, brother. The showdown that was meant to be. Agni Kai."

I stare at Azula. Agni Kai? No...Zuko....

"You're on." Zuko spat, and Katara and I look at him with worry in our eyes.

"What are you doing? She's playing you. She knows she can't take all of us so she's trying to separate us."

"I know, but I can take her this time."

"Zuko." I barely say his name. "Please, don't do this."

"But you even admitted to your uncle that you needed help facing Azula."
"I know, but there's something off about her. I can't explain it, but she's slipping. And this way, no one else has to get hurt." I bite my lip and watch.

Zuko and Azula both stand up, and Azula takes off her cloak. "I'm sorry it has to end this way, brother."
"No you're not."

They began firebending at each other, and I bite my lip.

"Come on, Zuko." Worry would not leave me, no matter how much I told myself he is fine.

Katara looks at me and I look at her. He'll be okay. We tell each other with our glances.

Zuko hits Azula, and she hits the ground.

"What? No lightening? Afraid I'll redirect?"
"Oh, I'll show you lightening."

She conjures up the lightening and gets ready to shoot it. She turns her focus onto Katara, and my heart stops. The lightening heads straight towards my sister and I'm frozen. Fear has made it where I couldn't move. Zuko jumps in front of Katara, and the lightening hits him. "No!" I scream, and Azula looks at me. I take out the vial of spirit water I had left, and run towards him. My focus is on Zuko and before I can block any moves, Azula blasts me with lightening as well.

Katara looks from me to Zuko, tears in her eyes. "S-Save Zuk-Zuko fir-first." I force the words out of my mouth as Katara nods, and she runs to Zuko.

~Katara's POV~

I watch as Zuko and my sister are shocked with lightening, Kaida tells me to save Zuko, and I listen. I go to heal Zuko, when Azula sends fire at me. I cover my face, and start running from her. She starts shooting lightening and more fire at me.

I hide behind a pillar, and look back at Zuko.

"Zuzu! You don't look so good." I look up at Azula, and she sends more lightening. I run out of the way, and keep behind pillars. I send water at where Azula used to be, realizing she wasn't there anymore.

I see that she is coming towards me and I begin running. She sends fire at me again and I fall, seeing the water below me. I look up and see a chain, and get an idea.

I run and get the chain, and Azula appears. "There you are, filthy peasant!"

I send water at her, and she dodges out of the way. She goes to attack, and I raise my hands, water following the motion. It freezes, and I exhale through my nose, unfreezing myself. I take the chain, and move my body around Azula, chaining her wrists to the drain below. Once she is secure, I make the water fall. I tighten the chain, just to be sure, and run back to Zuko.

I turn him onto his back, and take out some water.

I heal his wounds, and as he wakes up, I smile. "Thank you, Katara." He lets out, and tears start going down my face.

"I think I'm the one who should be thanking you." I help him into a sitting position. I get up and run towards my sister. I see the spirit water in her hand and grab it. "Kaida, you're going to be okay." I whisper, as a tear rolls down my cheek. I open the vial and use the spirit water to heal Kaida.

"I'm just glad you're both okay." I sniffle, and Zuko manages to get over beside us. Kaida sits up and grabs Zuko in a hug. "You scared me, you idiot." She sobs into his chest. She looks up at him and kisses him softly. Zuko's eyes widen and then he closes them and I stand up. "About time," I mutter.

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