Southern Raiders I

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Aang, Toph, Katara, Sokka, Suki, Zuko, and I sit around the fire and eat our food. I glance around at my friends and stop when my eyes land on Zuko. I'm very thankful to finally see him apart of the group, I smile softly.

"Wow, camping. It really feels like old times again, doesn't it?" Aang chuckles softly, glancing around at all of us.

"If you really want it to feel like old times, I could, uh, chase you around awhile and try to capture you." Zuko remarks jokingly.

Everyone starts to laugh except Katara. "Ha. Ha." She sarcastically laughs, looking at her plate. I turn my glance to my little sister and sigh softly. Katara...

Sokka raises his glass. "To Zuko, who knew after all those times he tried to snuff us out that today he'd be our hero." Everyone else raises their glass as well, "Here here!" Everyone except Katara smiles warmly.

"I'm touched. I don't deserve this." Zuko smiles softly looking around at the group.

"Yeah, no kidding." Katara stands and walks away. "Katara," I watch her as she disappears.

"What's with her?" Sokka asks. "I wish I knew," Zuko gets up and follows her. "What's with him?"

I watch as Zuko follows Katara. "You know, Tara. Sometimes she's a little difficult." I sigh softly.

~Katara's POV~

I couldn't stand it! Everyone was so happy and cheering for Zuko why can't they see? He's betrayed us once, he'll betray us again. And what's with Kaida? Why does she care so much?!

I hear footsteps approach me, distracting me from my thoughts. I turn my head slightly and see Zuko walking towards me.

"This isn't fair, Katara. Everyone seems to trust me now. What is it with you?" I turn around, rage burning in my chest.

"Oh, everyone trusts you now? I was the first person to trust you, remember? Back in Ba Sing Se. And you turned around and betrayed me, betrayed all of us." I was shaking from anger and pain. Here was Zuko, begging for my trust, and I just couldn't take it. I fought the tears that threatened to fall.

"What can I do to make it up to you?" Zuko asks.

"You really want to know? Hm, maybe you can reconquer Ba Sing Se in the name of the Earth King. Or I know, you can bring my mother back." I spat at him, getting in his face. Part of me wanted to forgive him and be friends with him, but I couldn't. I refuse to.

I storm off, leaving Zuko alone.

~Kaida's POV~

I was waiting on Zuko and Katara to return, but Katara came first, anger clear in her eyes as she storms into her tent. Zuko comes back a few minutes later, hurt clear in his eyes.

"Zuko," I whisper softly as his eyes meet mine.

"Hello, Kai," He fake smiles softly. "She'll come around," I walk towards him and wrap my arms around him. He wraps his arms around me and lays his forehead against mine.

"Can I ask you a question?"

I pull my head away slightly to look him in his eyes. "Of course you can."

"It's about your mother." My heart stops as I pull myself away completely. "M-my mother? What about her?" Zuko searches my eyes. "What happened to her?" A lump forms in my throat and I'm at a loss for words. Memories from that night come flooding back and I look away.
"I-I don't know if I'm the best one to tell you that story, you might want to ask Sokka. He remembers it better, anyway." I mumble softly, forcing the words out. Time felt as if it had stopped as it grew silent. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to meet Zuko's glance. "I'm sorry I brought it up," Zuko wipes a tear from my face. He gives me an understanding smile as he begins walking towards Sokka's tent.

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