Melon Lord

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~Kaida's POV~

Katara and I were passing water to each other, while Zuko was training Aang. I wanted to go down to the beach and train, but Katara said I needed a break. I really don't pay attention to Aang's training, but every once in a while, I'll hear Zuko give him a command or something.

I hear Aang give a faint roar, and I laugh softly to myself.

"That sounded pathetic. I said roar!"

Aang gives a better roar, and Katara and I turn and look at him, dropping the water onto Sokka. Sokka looks up at us, glaring.

"Who wants a nice cool glass of watermelon juice?"

"Ooh ooh. Me! Me! Me!" Aang runs towards us, but Zuko grabs him. "Hey, your lessons not over yet. Get back here!"

"Come on Zuko, take a break, what's the big deal?" Suki looks up at Zuko.

"Fine." Zuko huffed. They were saying something else, but I had went inside, nobody noticing i suppose.

After a few minutes, the rest of the gang comes in, getting swimsuits. "Don't tell me." I face palm my face, and grab my swim suit, when Zuko comes towards me. "Hey, I have a plan, and I'm only telling you, so don't freak out when it happens, alright?" I turn towards him, and nod. "Okay..." I look him in the eyes. "Nobody's going to get hurt, I promise." He lean in closer and whispers something in my ear. My eyes widen.

"Zuko, be careful when you do that. Remember that threat Katara made your first day?" He nods his head. "I will be careful, you don't worry about it, okay?" I nod, and slip into my room.

I meet everyone down at the beach, and jump into the water.

I used my time in the water as training, instead of fun. Sokka, Toph, and Aang were playing in the sand, while Suki was laying on a towel. Katara was surfing her homemade waves, while I practiced my fighting.

    I look up to see Zuko attacking Aang. "Zuko..." I bite my lip, mentally hitting him in the face.

Everyone runs after them, and I slowly make my way to the shore, watching carefully.

Zuko is blast out of a beach house, and we run over to him. "Zuko..." I softly whisper, as Katara looks at him. "What is wrong with you? You could've hurt Aang!" I look over at Katara. Aang needed it. We are so close. I don't care that he doesn't think he's strong enough. I shake my head at my sister. I understood that Aang doesn't believe he's ready, but he needs to be.

Zuko was mad, and I look at him. They were obviously talking about Sozin's comet that was 3 days away, but I didn't say anything. I keep to myself and take a deep breath.

"Why didn't you tell me about your dad's crazy plan sooner?!" Aang asks, frustrated.
"I didn't think I had to. I assumed you were still gonna fight him before the comet. No one told me you decided to wait." I saw Zuko's glance focus on me, and I bite my lip. I didn't know. I wanted to say, but he moved his glance back towards Aang.

"This is bad. This is really, really bad."

"Aang, you don't have to do this alone." Katara walks towards him, comforting him.

"Yeah! If we all fight the Fire Lord together, we've got a shot at taking him down." Toph exclaims, and I smile. Finally, these guys are making sense.

"Alright! Team Avatar is back! Air! Water! Earth! Fire! Fan and Sword!" Sokka grins widely, holding up a long leaf.

I look at the group, a small grin forming. We finally had a decent plan on defeating the Fire Lord.

"Fighting the Fire Lord is going to be the hardest thing we've ever done together, but I wouldn't wanna do it any other way." Aang smiles a little, and the group goes in for a group hug. I look up at Zuko.

"Come on," I grab his arm, and get him into the group hug. "Being apart of the group means being in group hugs." I whisper, my smile widening.
Katara and I sat on the steps as Zuko was talking to Aang. He was explaining that Aang needed to learn how to redirect lightning.

"Not over, over. I mean, there's always Katara and a little spirit water." Aang says, and I look up. Spirit water? Katara used all of hers when Aang was shot by Azula. I still had some, but the others didn't know. I hid it, in case we needed it. I didn't want them knowing I had it, so whenever they were injured, they'd beg for it. I wanted it for something that regular healing wouldn't help with.
"Gather around team Avatar. In order to take out the Fire Lord, or this case the Melon Lord, our timing has to be perfect." I look up at my twin brother, smiling a bit. Seeing him like this makes me proud knowing that he'll be a great leader of the Water Tribe one day.

"Suki and I will draw his fire. Then Katara, Kaida, and Zuko charge in with some liquidy hot offense. And while the melon lord is distracted, Aang will swoop in and bam! He will deliver the final blow." I nod, as I listen to the plan. I liked it, although as I look over at Aang, I could see worry and fear in his eyes.

    Sokka gives the signal for us to take off, and we run straight towards "Melon Lord." Toph sends a flaming rock at us, and I dive out of the way. Some of the dummies pop out of the ground, and they surround us. Katara, Zuko, and I send water and fire at them and destroy the dummies. We keep running.

"Now Aang!" Sokka yells, and Aang runs in. He gets ready for the final attack, but stops short.

"Aang, what are you waiting for? Take him out!" Zuko yells. I look at him, then back at Aang.

"I can't. I can't do it." Hmm, we need to defeat the Fire Lord, but....I bite my lip.

"What's wrong with you? If this was the real deal, you'd be shot full of lightning right now." Sokka, please don't be too hard on the boy.

"I'm sorry. It didn't feel right. I didn't feel like myself." I bite my lip, watching Sokka stare down Aang. "There has to be another way...."

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