1 - departing from home

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You woke up with a happy feeling. Today is the day that you will be going back to hogwarts. It will be your second year as a Slytherin. You were really excited but also a little sad. You hated it to leave you parents.

You got up and opened you closet. You grabbed you favorite black shirt and jeans. You put you long H/C hair in a ponytail and walked down stairs.

'Good morning Y/N!' Your mom said while putting a plate with pancakes in front of you dad who was reading the newpaper.

'Good morning mum, good morning dad.' You said while sitting down.

'You excited?' Your mom asked.

You nod and your mum put down a plate with pancakes. You take a bite and stare into the void.

'I will be joining you and your mother today.' Your dad said.

You looked up.

'Really? That means a lot to me dad.'

You dad was a hard working man and didn't have much times for you. But he still gave you a lot of love. In the mean while you finished your pancakes.

'Do you have everything honey?' Your mother asked.

You quickly got up and rushed up stair. You grabbed you stuff. You stopped for a second and looked around you bedroom. You were going to miss it. You sighed and closed the door. You put your stuff downstairs and rushed to the bathroom. You brushed you theeth and took you toothbrush and toothpaste with you. You went down stair. Your parents were ready to go.

You put on you shoes and grabbed you want from the small table in the hallway.

'Let's go.' Your mom said and she opened the door.

You helped with putting you stuff in the car. Then you sat down on the back seat of the car and stared outside. You were ready to go.


The car stopped at the train station. You got out of the car and grabbed your stuff. You took it with you in side.

You stopped at the wall inbetween platform 9 and 10. Your and looked at your mom.

'Bye honey.' Your mom said while hugging you.

You hugged her back tightly.

'Bye mom.'

She let you go and you let her go. You walked towards your dad and hugged him.

'Bye dad. Take good care of mom. Help her every once in a while.'

'I will.'

You let each other go.

'I love you guys.' You say and you grabbed your stuff.

'We love you to.' You dad said.

You waved and walked through the wall finding the Hogwarts express.


Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I love writing this. I'm sorry if there are some mistakes in it, I'm not a native English speaker!


Love Hurts || Draco X ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin