Gathering Information

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Today in school was a pretty normal Friday. The only weird conversation you had was with Noah next to your locker, right when you were going to your last class of the day with Audrey.

Noah: Hey (y/n/n)!

You: Whats up Foster?

Noah: Nothing really. OK, well actually, I was thinking about your big crush and maybe I have a solution for it?

You: First of all, its not big anymore and second of all, all your ideas are pretty bad considering you put the "virgin" in bi-curious and the virgin.

Noah: Hey! Rude! You know my ideas are genius in any other subject; i'm just rusty in the girl area.

You: OK fine what's on your mind "genius"?

Noah: Well, since you and Audrey are talking again and you told me your parents went on a little vacation without you for the weekend, maybe you could invite Audrey over for a sleepover. Just so you can talk and get drunk and spill your feelings...maybe do the do.

You: OK that is actually a good plan if you exclude spilling my feelings and "doing the do". The plan was perfect until you said that weird shit.

Noah: See! I'm not that bad in love plans. Maybe I won't be the virgin anymore.

You: Keep hoping Foster. I'll text you when I'll put the plan in motion.

Noah: You go girl

You: Weirdo

After that you walked to your class and sat next to Audrey and behind Brooke. You began talking to Audrey before English class started.

You: Hey Audrey

Audrey: Oh hey (y/n) how you been?

You: Pretty good actually, if you consider that I have 4 AP classes and all of them gave me homework for tomorrow.

Audrey: oh wow, you are such a nerd.

You: I am not a nerd. You know very well that I barely even do my homework correctly.

Audrey: True. You stress yourself out too much; you need a break.

You: I will soon.

*Teacher walks in*

You, Audrey, and Brooke were put in a group project. Since it really wasn't a big project, you all decided you were going to start it the next week; that fit perfectly with your plan for today. You had a few minutes until you were dismissed from school so you decided to tell Brooke about your plan with Audrey. You weren't really part of the Lakewood six or Brooke's old party of "popular" friends but you got along really well whenever you talked to each other and you were close enough that you told her about your crush.

You: Hey Brooke

Brooke: Hey (y/n)! Do you wanna go to my party today? Its at 7 and its small, I promise.

You: Actually, I'm counting on having plans tonight. *lowers voice* I was thinking on asking Audrey to come to my house for a sleepover but I'm still kind of nervous about asking her. I know its not a big deal. Its just that she hasn't stayed at my house since the Rachel thing.

Brooke: oooo girl, get some. I'm gonna tell you a secret but I, emphasis on the I, didn't tell you.

You: Lips sealed

Brooke: well, I was talking to Audrey about girls stuff and she told me that she has a special thing for red lingerie.

You: *whisper screams* What the hell Brooke! I don't want to seduce her. *mumbles* Not yet at least.

Brooke: Its still good information to have in your memory. You never know when things might change.

You: *rolls eyes*We all know she doesn't like me. Plus, I just want to be comfortable with her again; like we used to be before.

Brooke: Yea sure. I won't invite her to the party so she has no choice but to go to you.

You: *sarcastically* Thanks.

*Bell rings*

Brooke: Good luck babe.

On your way home, you were thinking of how you would tell Audrey to come to your house. 

You: *mumbling* A phone call is alright I guess.

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