The Sleepover

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When you opened the door you saw that she was wearing your favorite shirt on her. She was so hot you could look at her forever but you were so mad that wasn't even an option. She was looking at you with wide eyes and slightly parted lips. You didn't even notice that your tank top had slid down to reveal a little bit of your red, lace bra. She quickly recovered and asked if she could come in. You moved out of the way without saying a word. She settled in removing her boots and jacket and asked what movie you were watching.

Audrey: So what are we watching?

You: Bee movie. I already started it but we can start another one if you want.

Audrey: It's OK. You can finish this one I guess.

*awkward silence*

Audrey: OK, I said I was sorry for being late (y/n). I just....ugh... forget it.

You: I'm not mad anymore Audrey; calm down OK?

Audrey: It just looks like your mad princess and I don't want you to get mad at me like you did with (hoe don't do it) the Rachel thing. (omg)

~When she mentioned Rachel, you were done. She never mentioned her with you and you appreciated it even if she didn't know the real reason you detached from her. She also called you princess again. You weren't sure if you wanted to hear that it this time.~

You: Geez Audrey can you not talk about the "Rachel thing"! Also, stop calling me princess its getting annoying! And i'm not mad that you're late, I am mad because you didn't even tell me if you were alright and I was worried. I'm frustrated because I have to hold in so many things from you because i'm scared its gonna be you this time that's gonna avoid the situation, just like I did. 

~At this point you were close to crying so you lowered your voice but you were still firm with your words~ 

You: I am mad at myself for leaving you when you needed me and for having feelings and for even having hope...

One heavy tear slid down your cheek and fell on you lap; you didn't even feel it fall. You turned back to the movie and ignored the stunned Audrey next to you. She opened and closed her mouth a few times before looking like she gave up. She grabbed the gas station bag and pulled out your favorite candy.

Audrey: Here. I know this isn't that much of an apology but I can't apologize to the fake excuse you gave me.

~You thought your explanation for disappearing was credible; apparently not.~

Audrey: Just tell me the truth. It will make you feel better.

~You though of telling her the truth for a while. You grabbed another soda and prepared yourself for a horrible reaction in Audrey's part.~

You: I have a big crush on you. Since a few days after we met actually. I wasn't sure you liked girls so I didn't tell you anything. I told Noah and he always told me I should be honest but I can't face rejection and you know that. I learned to mask my crush too well I guess 'cause you met Rachel. I was a little mad that you didn't tell me about her because I thought I was one of your best friend. I thought you trusted me. Mostly I was just mad that you did like girls, just not me. So I obviously I felt rejected and sad. In those months I just wanted to be alone to think; it was the best thing for me. Then you skip all those months and i'm talking to you again and then you called me princess and you know how that turns me on depending on who says it. Imagine how I felt when you called me that. That's when the hope part comes in. Noah said we should have this sleep-over so that we can get drunk and spill "our" feelings. Then I took a chance today and now we're here. That's the truth.

Audrey was shocked to say the least. All that information you gave her was running through her head and she didn't know where to store it all. She looked at you then stood up. She went to the kitchen, grabbed 2 cups and some of your moms fancy tequila. She tripped on her way back to you and unconsciously you said,

You: Be careful, sweet heart.

Hoping that she didn't hear that, waited for her to pour alcohol into your cup. You thought she was so overwhelmed and uncomfortable that drinking was the only way she could say anything back to you. She poured tequila in both cups enough to be a shot and drank. You looked at her with sad eyes and drank your shot too.

Be Careful, SweetheartWhere stories live. Discover now