Interesting Phone Call

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When you got home, you went straight to your room so you could mentally prepare yourself to call Audrey. You didn't know why you were so nervous; it wasn't like you haven't talked to her on the phone before. After a few minutes of calming your nerves, you decided to call her.

*Phone call*


Audrey: Hey what's up?

You: Nothing much, umm -

Audrey: Hey are you OK sweetheart? You've been acting weird today; really nervous.

You: Yea i'm OK. Not nervous at all. Just tired that's all and you said I should take a break so I was wondering if you wanted to have a sleepover today? You know, like old times.

Audrey: Oh of course beautiful. That would be fun. Do you want me to bring something?

You: No, your the guest. Just bring yourself and your pjs. Ok actually can you bring some candy? I have enough of chocolate for an army, I need a different kind of sugar.

Audrey: OK sure. At what time do you want me to go over there princess?

~Thoughts: You were getting suspicious of all the pet names she was giving you. You were ok with the first two but she knew princess was the one that made you feel gooey inside. Maybe she should have a taste of her own medicine.~

You: Is 8 ok for you hot stuff?

~The moment you said hotstuff you knew she knew what you were up to.~

Audrey: Really (y/n),  hotstuff?

You: Hey! I don't know what pet name you like; I had to get creative.

Audrey: Well hotstuff is definitely not it and 8 is fine. See ya later princess.

You: bye

*end phone call*

While you were getting prepared for the sleepover, you were beating yourself up for using hot stuff. You were also getting your hopes up about your crush and the hope that she might like you back. You knew being hopeful is dangerous but she called you princess twice and she very well knows what that does to you; it was worse coming from her. When you were talking a shower at about 7:30 you got a text from Audrey.

Audrey: btw its sweetheart for me 😏 😉

You didn't know how to text back so you didn't but, you definitely knew she was flirting. Friendly flirting or not, you were going to take a leap of faith.

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