Good morning

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The next morning you woke up and felt something on your chest. You looked down and it was Audrey, snuggled on top of you, still sleeping. You remembered everything that happened last night which would explain your lack of clothing under the sheets. The alarm clock next to you read 10:39am and you decided it was time to wake up. You started caressing Audreys back so she would wake up. After a while, she started nuzzling her head on the crook of your neck signaling she was waking up. You looked down at her and saw that she was already looking at you with sleepy eyes. You kissed her forhead and moved her hair out of her face so you could see her better. Both of you lay looking at each other for a few quite minutes until her stomach rumbled and you said,

You: Good morning sweetheart.

Audrey: mornin' princess. *yawn*

You: *giggle* Hungry?

Audrey: A little.

You: Want pancakes?

Audrey: Only if you make them.

You: Obviously. I wouldn't want you to burn down my house.

Audrey: Hey!

She started tickling your sides and you started screaming and laughing at the same time. Your body was wiggling to all directions and you were trying not to hit her. She stopped when you started tearing up and she ended up straddling you again. You started recovering from that insane tickling session while she just looked at you with adoration. When you calmed down you said,

You: Why are you looking at me like that?

Audrey: Because your beautiful

After she said that you started blushing and covered your face immediatly. She grabbed your hands and put them at the top of your head. Your faces were no centimeters apart. You wanted to lean in and kiss her but she pulled back enough that you couldn't reach. She went down again but went to your ear and said,

Audrey: I'm happy I know that
you're a screamer.

She bit your earlobe softly and then kissed your neck. You moaned when she kissed your sweet spot and when she let go of your hands and moved away from you, you whined and said,

You: Come back!!

Audrey: Noo i'm hungry. Make me pancakes.

You: Ugh fine. Pass me my big t-shirt in the third drawer.

She tossed you your shirt and grabbed another one and put it on. You both put on your underwear and headed down stairs to make pancakes.

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