All Hell Broke Loose

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You: If you feel too uncomfortable you can leave you know. I won't force you to stay with me tonight.

You knew that one shot wasn't enough for her to be majorly affected by the alcohol but when she straddled your lap and kissed you, you started to question how much she actually poured in her cup. The kiss caught you by surprise but you rapidly responded passionately. It was like you lips were molded for each other. Her lips were soft and plump, better than you have imagined.

Audrey: Don't ever think I don't trust you. Also, remind me never to tell Noah a secret again.

You: What do you mean?

Audrey: I told Noah that I had a crush on you a month after I met you and he's been trying to get me to tell you ever since. I guess he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

You couldn't hide the smile that was forming after hearing those words. Audrey Jensen, the girl that you have been crushing on for years, had a crush on you too. You wasted no time to grab her face and kiss her again. Her hands slid to your hair and yours went down to her hips. When she bit your bottom lip you moaned while grabbing her shirt and untucking it so you could feel her skin. You made out for a few minutes and then she told you to lay down on the couch. She took her shirt off and you were left bewildered at the sight on top of you. It' been years since you've been to the lake and seen Audrey in a bikini. She went back down and kissed your lips, it was like she was asking you if she could move forward and you gladly accepted. She kissed your neck and bit down on you sweet spot. Your suspicions that she was a biter were pleasantly confirmed. Her hands went down to the hem of your shirt. She swiftly removed you tank top and growled when she completely saw you red lingerie.

Audrey: I bet it was Brooke that told you about the red bra, huh?

You: I'm glad she did sweetheart. I'll have to wear it more often, don't you think?

Audrey: Hell yea.

You: You should find out if the rest matches.

Upon hearing those words, she kissed down your body to the top of your shorts. She looked at you while she pulled them down with lust in her eyes. After she saw your lace lingerie set, all hell broke loose....

A/N: Sorry that I didn't write it in detail, my friends read this. I didn't need them to judge my sin.....maybe later. Lets just say Noah was right and y'all did the do a lot.

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