The Preparation

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After your phone call with Audrey, you concluded that your were going to test your theory that she might like you back. You were thinking of ways you could get any hints that she likes you but it was more difficult than you expected. While you were picking out your clothes, you passed through your underwear drawer and saw a red, lace lingerie set. You remembered the conversation you had with Brooke earlier about Audrey liking red lingerie. This is the kind of leap of faith you were willing to take for your crush. You put the red set on with a tank top on top and some short-shorts. It was a little out of style for you but, you don't think she would notice; it was a hot April day after all. By 8:05 you finished setting up the couch with five movies, 4 chocolate bars, 1 bowl of popcorn, and 10 sodas in the fridge; more for you than her. You called Noah telling him you were all set for the night. He tried to calm you down and wished you good luck. A few minutes passed and it was 8:15 and you were starting to get nervous. What if the killer got her? What if she got kidnapped? Worst of all, what if she just went to Brooke's party instead and bailed on you? You didn't want to seem desperate so you didn't text or call her. You kept pacing around the  living room with your phone in hand waiting for her to give you the dreaded news. It was already 8:30 and you decided to calm down and accept the cold, hard, truth. You started a movie, grabbed a soda can, and put your phone on silent, since you didn't want anyone to disturb your mourning (so dramatic). You were halfway through the movie when you decided to get a refill on your soda. When you sat back down, you heard your doorbell ring. You walked toward the door and saw that it was Audrey outside with her book bag and a bag from the gas station close to your house. You checked the time in your phone and saw that it was 9 pm already. While you were debating on how you wanted to react to Audrey being late, she said, "Come on (y/n). I know you're there. I'm sorry i'm late." Accepting that apology, you opened the door.

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