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You both stood laughing in the middle of the kitchen, but then again Audreys stomach rumbled calling for breakfast. That was your queue to start cooking. You asked Audrey to gather all the ingredients as you put them in the bowl.

You: OK so I cook and you do the dishes, deal?

Audrey: Sounds good to me.

As you mixed the batter, you didn't notice that she grabbed a fistful of pancake mix. Absentmindedly you kept mixing until a puff of mix flew directly into your face. You were shocked to say the least. You turned around slowly; shoulders bent, mouth wide open in surprise. Before any thing could come out of your mouth, Audrey started to cackle in the most innocent way, contrasting her previous action. Rapidly you grapped some pancake mix and charged toward her. She saw your attack and starting running around the kitchen. You caught yourself in a stand still as you were both on either side of your kitchen island.

Audrey: Lets call it even huh? We're both out of breath and I get to clean up.

You: How is that even?! I have powder all over my face and you are squeaky clean.

Audrey: Well how about I make it up for you. You don't throw that mix at my face and....

As she thought of a reward, you interjected her teasingly and said

You: and you'll do anything-I-want.

Audrey: Oh? I mean that sounds like something I'll enjoy too but ok. No mix in my face and I'm all yours.

You placed the pancake mix in the trash can and washed your hands And face as your reward bounced in your head.

She was yours.

The pancakes were done and you both enjoyed them in your dinning room table As you both finished, Audrey stood up and completed her end of the bargain by doing the dishes. You moved to the couch and stretched your arms and legs, revealing your full stomach and random pair of underwear.

Audrey: Nice underwear

You looked down and saw that you were wearing a pair of pink underwear with bananas on them.

You: I know right. They'll make you go bananas.

Audrey: OH my gosh, you're disgusting

You both laughed as she sat on the couch and you placed your legs on top of hers. You sat there in silence watching how the sun hit her face at the perfect angle to make her skin glow. Was it the aftermath of doing the do or just the happiness she had of being with you? Your thoughts were interrupted as she asked,

Audrey: So, what do you want me to do princess?

AN: What should you make Audrey do? ;) leave an idea in the comments!

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