Chapter 3: Asking Her pt.1

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Aphmau's POV

I woke up around 9:45am. I thought about Aaron and what we had said the night before. I like him. I really really like him.

I got out of bed and walked downstairs. Kawaii~Chan made bacon for breakfast. It was delicious. After breakfast, I went back upstairs to see that I had a text. It was from Aaron.


Aa- Can you meet me at the park in about fifteen minutes?

A- Sure. Any special reason?

Aa- No, I just want to hangout is all

A- See you in fifteen then

Aa- Cool

*Conversation ends*

3rd person POV

Aphmau hurried up and got dressed in her casual wear. She raced out the door and to the park. She got there early so she sat on the park bench. Aphmau looked out into the pond.

Aaron's POV

   I saw Aphmau facing the opposite direction of me, so I decided to scare her. I snuck up behind her and yelled,"BOO!"

   Aphmau screamed, then turned around and slapped me really hard on the arm. "Aaron you scared the poop out of me," she said putting her hand on her chest.

   "Ouch, that hurt!" I exclaimed.

   "That's what you get. don't do that for future reference."

   "But I couldn't help myself. It was funny you have to admit that."

   "Maybe for you," Aphmau said standing up and crossing her arms.

   "Oh it was," I moved closer to Aphmau.  I grabbed her cheeks and gave her a kiss. I hugged her while we kissed. I pulled away. "Does that make it better?" I asked.

   "Not quite," Aphmau said removing my bandana and hood." I like looking into your eyes when I get a kiss from you."

   I kissed her once more. This time it was longer and it felt sweeter."Better?"

   "Yes," she replied with a smile.

   I grabbed her hand and we walked throughout the park.  We got near the garden. I looked inside then back at Aph. "Come here," I said with a smile. She followed me and we went into the garden. I picked a rose and handed it to her.

"Aww Aaron your so sweet," Aphmau said wrapping her arms around me.

"Hey that's how I am going to do. But I brought you here to ask you a question," I stated nervously.

"What is that question," she smiled.

"Aphmau, I really like you. I love you. When I heard your name a couple months ago, I realized you were my best friend that I lost years ago. The girl I loved then. I was upset that I lost touch with you. But I am here with you now," I took a deep breath and asked," Aphmau will you be my girlfriend?"

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