6: Hope or Fact

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"Wow, that was an interesting way to meet him."

Feliciano had just finished telling Elizabeta how he met the potato. He told her every detail and I mean every fucking detail.

"Ve~ I know, I get told that a lot." he says awkwardly.

"So Lovi how have you been?" she asks pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Life is as shitty as ever," I answer chuckling a little.

"I didn't mean life wise I meant love wise." she says happily.

"Excuse me," I say bluntly raising an eyebrow.

"Have you met you true love yet?" says as if it couldn't be more obvious what she meant.

"I hate to tell you the reality of my life but I'm Loveless. I don't have a love, I will always be alone in love." I sighed.

"For some reason, fratello, I feel like you are wrong." Feliciano sighed.

"You should still have hope," Liza said, she sounded like she was going to force me to have hope.

I rolled my eyes and softly glare at the two. These are the only two people that I could never get too mad at.

"Why should I have hope, when my wrist tells me the facts." I sighed looking at the two of them as their smiles fade.


After a couple of hours of catching up, we went home. It was already 9:28 and I had work in the morning. I grabbed a pair of boxers and a tank top and went into my bathroom. I turned on the shower making so it was steaming. After I stripped myself of my clothing and went into the shower. I let the hot water run all over my body as I slip away into my own thoughts. 

Will I ever find love? 

Can I protect myself? 

How do I know I am safe?

I'm I safe?

"Chigii!" I yell, realizing that the hot water was now scorching my skin. I turn the show nob for a colder temperature.

After I was done showering I changed into the tank and boxers. I then brush my teeth and go to bed.


"One BlackBerry Ice Tea with a Blueberry Scone!" I yelled into the kitchen

"What's the name?" the burger bastard yelled back.

"It's Briar!" I yell, the name was probably made up.

"How the hell do you spell that?" the voice yelled again.

"I don't know! It's probably made up so just spell how it sounds!" I yell one last time at the burger bastard.

It was a busy day customers were flooding the store. I was working the cash register and I hated it. I never liked talking to people I don't know. Mostly because if they saw my wrist they either gave me a judgemental stare or took pity on me. After a moment or two, I was given a cup and a bag.

"Bryer?" I yell as I look at the name on the cup.

Not long after a girl walked over. She had shoulder length hair and glasses. She took the cup and bag as I took a small glance at her wrist only to see nothing on it. She opened her mouth as of she was going to say something but closed it and mumbled something about the name.

"Whatever." she sighed, walking away with a group of people who all looked to be around 13 or 14.

"Well that was weird." a soft voice said from behind me.

I turned to see Matthew standing there with another cup.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You don't often see a female Loveless." he sighs shaking his head.

"Ya, I guess you don't. They have the hardest time out of all types of people." I say starting to go back to work until I am stopped.

"Oh, I also wanted to tell you that you can take you lunch break," Matthew says cheerfully before walking away.

"Grazie, if I had to talk to one more snobby customer I was going to scream." I sighed in relief.

When I walked into the kitchen, all heard was arguing. At first, I thought it was just the scone and wine bastard then I heard a large crash. I walked over to where the sound came from. When I made it to the sight I couldn't believe what I saw before me. Alfred was holding up Gilbert by his collar and had his fist raised. Arthur was there two trying to hold back, emphasis on the word trying.

"What the hell is going on!" I yelled, causing the potato fucker and scone bastard to look at me but Alfred still held his glare on Gilbert.

"This jackass was flirting with my Artie." the American growled.

"It was just a joke and I said I was sorry!" the 'Prussian' said, trying to hide his fear.

The Brit scoffed.

"First of all, Alfred put the potato fucker down, if the boss finds out he will fire you and him both!"

Alfred sighed and did as I told him. As soon as the burger bastard let him go he ran over to me.

"Danke Lovi! I thought he was going to kill the awesome me. Even though that is impossible because I'm just that awesome. But nevermind that, danke Lovi!" Gilbert said pulling me into a hug.

"Let go of me bastard!" I yelled pushing him off, "Don't think just because I helped you doesn't mean you're innocent. You know better than to do that you stronzo!" I slap him on the back of his head.

"Ow, that was unnecessary."

"Would you have rather take a beating from the burger bastard?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Nein." the potato mumbled

"That's what I thought. Now get back to work, all of you." I said walking to the employee break room.

"Where are you going" the scone bastard question.

"It's my lunch break bastards."


After checking out of the workplace I decided to walk around the city. It was a nice day and I wasn't hungry shockingly. I walked down the sidewalks that ran along the same busy street. I looked around only to see happy couples walking together. It made me sick, how happy they were. It's not fair, how come they get treated like royalty, while the Loveless are treated like trash that should be burned. Even as I am thinking to myself I hear and see people I pass whispering about me, pointing at me, disgusted by my existence. But I have no room to complain, for this is the daily life of a Loveless, for me. But even though I know I will never be loved and I am destined to be alone. A small part of me still has hope.


So sorry for the short chapter. And yes I did put myself in the story but that is the only time you will see me. I did it because this always happens when I go to Starbucks.

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