9: Potato Eating Feli

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"Feliciano, are you sure we got everything?" I say pushing a cart down an aisle.

"Sí! We got tomatoes, pasta, garlic, oregano, potatoes-"

"Wait, did you just say potatoes?"

"Sí, why do you ask?"

"Why the hell do we need potatoes?!" I yell looking at Feliciano.

"Well, I asked Luddy how he got so buff. And he said because he trains a lot and some other stuff. Then I asked is there anything he eats that makes him so strong. Then he told me he eats a lot of potatoes. So I thought if I eat a lot of potatoes I'll get strong and muscly." he says smiling the whole time.

Just when I though Feliciano couldn't be stupider. . . I was about to call him an idiota and tell him that potatoes can't do that. Then I notice he had "the look", now you might be wondering,  'What the fuck's the the look?!' well let me tell you. Whenever Feliciano really believes in something and really hopes in something he gets this look. It basically looks like a puppy who just got a bone or a kid on Christmas. So I just put on a little smile and nodded.

"Maybe if you eat enough of them you'll be just as buff as him."

"You really think so Lovi!"

"Uhh, sí?" I say more like a question.

Feliciano smiles brightly and tackles me into a hug. "Thank you so much, fratello! I thought I thought if I told you my plans on becoming stronger and ripped you would just call me an idiota! Then I would get really sad and start crying in the middle of the store! And if I did that it would be really embarrassing!" he cries out, earning a few stares from people who walked by. 

I rolled my eyes and patted his back, "Yah, yah, now get off of me." I groan rolling him onto the tiled flooring. I stand up brushing off imaginary dirt from my clothes. "You are making us look gay."

Feli rolls onto his back whining. "Fratello, why are you so mean!" he says standing up and hunching his back.

"A little meaness never hurt anyone, if anything it helps." I shrug.

Feliciani rolled his eyes at the comment. "Ve, I guess."

Both him and I walked out of the store. Myself receiving a glances glances that clearly stated I was unwanted.

It was funny, almost. All these unwanted stares. It was like they have never seen a guy with no mark, even if it was sort of rare, it was unnecessary to stare.

As I got lost deeper into my thoughts I felt a sudden weight making me fall against the cement. "WHATS THE BIG IDEA YOU BASTARD?"  I yelled.

The man who bumped into me looked at me.

He's familiar

He stopped freaking out for a second and looks at me.

Those eyes

He opens his mouth but no words came out. He started to move his hands as if that was the only why he can talk.

Where have I seen him before.

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