Welcome Home

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The next day you sat in front of the TV in Ben's room. The boy turned out to be a huge gamer, which made you happy since it would be fun to challenge him. You sat on his bed watching as he killed zombies in his game, a laid back look on his face.

"So.. Have you finished this game before?" You asked the elfen boy. He laughed, "Of course! There isn't a game that's out yet that I haven't beat!" He smirked, glancing back at you. Smiling, you raised a brow, "Has anybody beaten you in a game before?"

He sighed, "Once. ONLY once." He paused the game, turning back to look at you, "This one guy, Jeff, that lives here. Well, lived here.." He sat criss cross, levitating a little off the ground, causing your eyes to widen, "He got caught while going out for sport."

You frowned, "What do you mean he got caught?" Ben glanced at you, "You mean you have no clue?" He frowned as you stared at him in confusion. He leaned forward a bit, "You have no clue what we are, do you?"

He chuckled at your clueless expression, "Oh, you're in for a surprise." You watched as he floated to the bed, taking a seat next to you. "We're criminals, outcasts, paranormal, and monsters, Y/N." He looked up at the ceiling, "You're living with a bunch of killers, stalkers, and spirits."

You looked down, "So.. You all kill people..?" He glanced at you, "In a way.. I don't. Well.. Kind of.." You watched as his figure suddenly began looking like static before he suddenly vanished. You looked around the room in confusion before the TV began glowing white, a pair of shadowed hands appearing from within the screen.

Ben's form then appeared, him smiling at you as you stared in awe, "I stalk people for fun. They either end up committing suicide or become so paranoid that they get thrown in a padded room." He vanished again, the TV going black before he appeared next to you again.

He picked up his controller and the TV remote, turning the television on before resuming the game, "As I was saying before, Jeff was out and ended up getting caught by some cops or something, which led to them sending him to the asylum." He explained while shooting zombies in the virtual world.

You looked down once again, "So you guys have people's blood on your hands?" Ben nodded, "Some more than others." He then looked back to the screen, "We're cool people though, we just have our moments.. We won't hurt you though, that's a promise." He said, not taking his red orbs away from the screen.

You looked at the boy, "How come? Aren't I just some mortal that Slender found once? Why didn't you guys just kill me?" Ben glanced at you, "You're basically Slender's child. You're at the same stature as Sally right now, basically the royalty of the house since we live under Slender's rules." He explained, looking into your E/C eyes.

You nodded, "I guess I understand." Ben smiled, "Plus you seem cool. I'd protect you if it came down to it." He said, turning back to his game.


You and Ben jumped at the sudden yell from downstairs. The Hyrulian smiled, "That was Jeff! He must have broken out already!" He said happily, saving his game before standing up. He turned to you, "Come on! I'll introduce you guys." He said as he walked to his doorway.

You walked after him, nervous as to who this Jeff guy was. You walked down the steps, spotting Slender already speaking to people at the doorway. Ben frowned, "That's odd.. Who's that guy with him?" He asked out loud before running up to Slender, waiting for the man to finish scolding Jeff for swearing so loud while Sally is home.

Slender turned to Ben, could you take Jack to his room? Oh, and let him get to know Y/N, they have to share." He asked, motioning to the plus one Jeff brought. Ben looked over at the brunette, "You're Jack?" He questioned, studying the mask he wore. The boy nodded, "Pleased to meet you." He said politely.

Ben nodded in return before turning to Jeff, fist bumping the black haired boy, "Welcome home." The pale boy chuckled before glancing past the shorter boy, spotting you, "Uh, who is that?"

Slender sighed, "Save introductions for later, please just go to Jack's room for it, I'm getting a migraine.." He put a hand on his temple. Jeff sighed, "Fine, let's go. Come on Jack." He said without turning to the brunette, just walking past Ben.

You waited for the blonde to come near before walking with them, "So you're who I ha-" You cut yourself off when your eyes met Jack's mask. You frowned, stopping your moment and just standing in the hall. Jack and Ben paused when they noticed, Jeff continuing down the hall wanting to just wait in the room.

Ben raised a brow, "Do you two know each other?" He asked in a confused tone. You felt a cold sweat on your skin as you had flashbacks of the dream you had the night of the slaughter at your college. That mask, the black hoodie, it was him for sure.

You cleared your throat, "You uh.. Seem familiar.." You tried to ease your statement. Jack lifted the bottom of his mask enough to show his mouth, "I do?" He questioned, a small frown on his face as he too tried to see if he knew who you were.

"Did you go to West Point?" You asked, causing the male to tense up. He frowned, "Yeah. Those cult members ruined my hopes for having a good education and future job." He growled, pulling his mask back down before looking away from you.

"Wait a second.. You're the one who killed them all, aren't you?" You asked before gasping, "Were you Greg's roommate?!" Jack nodded, "How do you know Greg?"

"Gabby and I were roommates. She would have Greg over sometimes, which often ended with me having to walk to Luna's room and try staying with her and Bobby for the night." You noticed Jack beginning to grow uncomfortable.

He looked to the room where Jeff walked off to, "Can we drop the topic for today and get some rest? I haven't slept since.. Since my ordeal." He suggested, glancing at you and Ben. You nodded, "I apologize for bringing it up, I was curious." You gave him a sympathetic look. Jack shook his head, "No, it's fine, I just want to rest before getting into it." He said before the three of you began down the hall again, heading to your room.

//Jackie's here!! I hope you guys enjoyed up to this point!

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