Lost Silver

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Yawning, you stretched as you sat up from your bed. The sun shown dimly through your window due to the fog outside. You placed a hand on your forehead as you looked around the room.

The last thing you remember was laying down as you spoke with Jack. He seemed to enjoy talking to you, bringing up politics, hobbies, and even more personal things such as fears and experiences. You could guess that you passed out while he was talking. It wasn't that it bored you; his voice just made you feel so calm and relaxed that you fell asleep.

Swinging your feet off the side of the mattress, you stood up from the bed. Your hair was messy and your body was a bit numb. You must have slept very well. You walked to the bathroom and washed up, freshening yourself for the day.

Walking out of the restroom you made your way to the kitchen to make yourself breakfast. As you walked through the doorway you paused as you seen a new face at the table next to Ben. The boy glanced your way along with Ben, whom smiled at you, "Y/N! This is Lost Silver, a friend of mine." You smiled at the two as you walked to the cupboard and began making yourself cereal, "It's nice to meet you." You said kindly as you poured the milk over the cereal.

Lost Silver nodded shyly, "You too." He muttered, a soft smile on his face. You went to the table, setting your breakfast down and sitting next to Ben. The blonde held a DS in his hands, a Pokémon battle lighting the screen. Lost Silver looked over Ben's shoulder, "You know.. Your Squirtle will likely lose to that Pikachu." He muttered to Ben, whom frowned at the screen, "Watch me."

You watched as Ben battled, staring contently at the screen as he chose attacks and items. Sighing, you looked down at your breakfast. Picking up the spoon, you took some cereal and brought it to your mouth. Chewing, you paused as Ben turned and looked at you, a brow raised. You looked over at him, "Wa?" You muttered, having not swallowed your food yet. Ben stared at you for a moment before looking back at the screen, "You chew really frickin loud."

You rolled your E/C eyes, looking down at your bowl and swallowed, "Whatever, I'm hungry."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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