Jeff's Encounter

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Jeff walked through the streets, looking around as he tried to pick which house to enter. He spotted a open window, a smile creeping onto his face, "Bingo."

He snuck into the yard, climbing onto the ledge and into the bedroom. He frowned as his eyes met another figure that stood over the victim's body. "Who the hell are you?!" He whisper yelled, raising the knife he stole from another victim.

The figure turned in surprise, "Who are you?!" He asked back, his frown hiding behind his blue mask. Jeff growled, "I asked first, Eyeless!" He growled, pointing the knife at the sunken in areas of the mask where his eyes would be.

"My name is Jack." The man stated, standing up from the body as he held an organ in his palm. Jeff raised a brow, "Are you a Proxy..?"

"A what?" Jack questioned. Jeff sighed, "You might want to come somewhere with me. You'll have an easier time surviving if you do." He stated, stepping back to the window. The eyeless boy looked down, "I don't know.. How can I trust you?"

"You don't have a reason, you either do or don't. Your choice." Jeff replied, swinging a leg out of the window. Jack sighed, "Yeah, fine. Give me a minute to eat." Jeff nodded before hopping off the windowsill.

A few minutes passed before Jeff heard the boy climb onto the window, "You ready?" Jeff asked as he watched the masked man jump down, landing next to him, "Yep."

The two began making their way through the town, nearing a large area of trees. Jeff pointed to the forest, "There. You can use me as your portal to the mansion." Jeff explained to Jack, whom raised a brow under his blue mask, "Mansion? Portal? What the hell are you going on about?"

Jeff face palmed, "Just wait. You'll see what I mean in time." He sighed. Jack frowned, "Alright I guess. You aren't gonna try killing me when we're in the woods, are you?" He looked at the black haired boy. Jeff laughed, "Only if you annoy me."

The two stepped into the forest, Jeff suddenly grabbing hold of Jack's sleeve, "Hey! What the fuck?" The grey skinned boy frowned under his mask. Jeff rolled his eyes, "Just keep walking."

As they began walking once again, the scenery begun to drastically change. Jack looked around curiously, "What in the.." He trailed off. Jeff frowned, "I thought you couldn't see?" He said questioningly. Jack shook his head, "I can and can't at the same time."

Jeff nodded, "Whatever man.. "

//Thank you for reading!! Lover boy is here now, hooray!! I hope you're enjoying my story!!

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