Keely vs Drocell

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Lucy's POV
We didn't see any trace of Drocell anywhere. It was like he just vanished and left a permanent spell on these doll people. I looked down at Keely who was still out. "Please be okay...", I mumbled worriedly. Then a hard substance grabbed my waist, followed by some loud moaning and groaning. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! GET OF OFF ME GET OFF OF MEEEEE!!!!!! I'm too pretty to die!!", I screamed. A doll grabbed at me and tried pulling me away to the other dolls. "LUCY!!!", Erza and Natsu yelled. Eden ran over to me with her katana swinging at the dolls. She tried to attack, but got kicked in the stomach by a blur of blue. She fell to the ground, smashing her head on the hard surface. I think I heard a crack with it. "EDEN!!", I yelled. "FIRE DRAGON!!!! BRILLIANT FLAMES!!!!!!!!!", Natsu made the whole mob of dolls burst into flames. But it quickly nullified. "Squeeze them till they're good as dead, good as dead good as dead.....", a familiar voice echoed in the shadows. "It's Drocell!", I yelled. Then large metal hands grabbed all of us, squeezing us like a doll. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!", we screamed in agony. "!!", I strained.
Keely's POV
I woke up to find it pitch black. Am I dead? I looked around, seeing creepy zombie like people towering over me. The hell?! I pushed them furiously away using my telekinesis magic. I ran to where I could find any familiar faces and I stopped in my tracks. "No way....", I said. Natsu, Lucy, Erza, and even Eden were being squeezed to death by some giant metal hand things. I found a katana on the floor with blood on it. Is this Eden's blood? I looked up at her, seeing a long streak of blood dripping down her face. My jaw dropped. I took her katana and rushed up to what looked like was controlling them. "Hm? It seems that we have another guest at the party". "KEELY!", they yelled. "What?", I shouted back. "RUN!! HES GONNA TURN YOU INTO A DOLL!!", Erza yelled in pain. Like hell I'll do that. I ignored them and tried swinging Eden's katana at Drocell, but I missed dreadfully. "KEELY! MY KATANA IS BONDED TO ME! ONLY I CAN USE IT!", Eden shouted. What?! "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT BEFORE I MISSED?!", I irked. I threw the blade down, since it was useless, and used my magic to throw the creepy doll dude at a wall hard. The metal hands disappeared and the three dropped to the ground on their feet, except Eden. She was badly hurt. Natsu rushed to her side. "She has a deep cut in her head", Natsu said. Lucy put her hands to her mouth. "MAYBE TRY TO FOCUS ON THE SITUATION! We can deal with that later!!", I yelled. Big mistake. The doll dude snuck behind me and kicked me in the back, sending me flying to the wall. "Ow....", I groaned. I swiftly jumped off and ran towards him, and started making bold reflexes and blows. First kicking him, then punching him, elbowing him. Then he was about to punch my face, but I ducked and uppercut him in the jaw, flipping him. He grabbed my arm and threw me to the ground, coughing out blood. I was losing magic energy fast, so I have to cool it. I saw some table rubble and made them fly to him. He nullified my magic and tried to swift kick my face, but I did the unthinkable. I kicked him where it hurts and twisted my foot up higher, making him cringe and wince, and threw him up the ceiling and falling down hard and fast, and I perfectly punched him in the face making him hit table rubble. I ran to him and grab his neck. Then threw punches all out. I elbowed his face, twisted his head making it snap open. I smirked and ripped his head apart, making hay pour out. Right when I thought he was good as dead, he grabbed my neck and threw me hard to the floor, stomping on me. my head hurt a lot, and I tried to throw him off, but he nullified my magic every time. There was nothing I could try to stop him. I tried to use my arms and legs, but he paralyzed them. He was about to finish me off when suddenly and swift sound and a cold chill filled the air. Drocell on the other hand was suddenly thrown off of me, and hit the ground hard. I tried getting up, but was stopped by a hug. The skin felt familiar, and I saw a blue fairy tail emblem on his chest. Gray. I blushed and looked up at him with a beaten up face. His expression was deadly. He was pissed. "You got some nerve, beating a girl like that. Especially other people I care about", Gray growled. Drocell got up and faced him. "Are you alright?", Gray said in worry. I nodded slightly. "Yeah, but...I thought you w-" "shhh...don't talk. You're injured. Just get some rest and I'll take care of this bone head", Gray said setting me down gently, putting his jacket on me. "Gray...", Erza, Lucy and Natsu said. "Who might you be intruder?", Drocell said. "Shut your trap toothpick. I don't have time to deal with your ass", Gray snapped. "Hm. You must be Gray Fullbuster. An ice wizard", Drocell said. "Nice to meet your acquaintance", he said. "Not sure if I'm nice to begin with", Gray said. "Are you here to die?", Drocell tilted his head. "No, I should be asking you that. Hurting all my friends you wish you hadn't done that. Because you just made a very deep death wish for yourself", Gray smirked. "Oh?", Drocell said. "No one messes with Fairy Tail. And the people I care about", he looked at me. I blushed. Why was he looking at me? "Anyone who stains my family with their blood, has gotta pay. And you're just the perfect thing to beat the crap out of", he said. "How touching, I'm emotional. Let's see if you can survive through my bloodthirsty minion dolls", Drocell said. "Kill the pest and take his soul, take his soul, take his so- AGH!" "QUIT THE SINGING CRAP! IT HURTS MY EARS!!!", Gray yelled, kicking Drocell hard in the face. "I'm not holding back. I'm gonna beat you so hard you wish you'd never mess with Fairy get ready....

....Because you're the pest who's gonna get killed buddy"

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