This is for my friend keelykat246. She Likes Gray.
Please note that this book has a lot of cursing, sexual humor, intense retardedness *is that even a word lol*, and other shit. So yeah, I made this especially for my friend. But feel free to read i...
I don't own Fairy Tail Keely's POV On my way to the guild, I bump into Gray without realizing. "Oh, sorry Keely. Didn't see you there. You okay?", he said, helping me up. I nodded. "Yeah, I'm alright, you don't have to apologize", I said brushing a strand of hair away from my face. "So, how you been?", Gray said walking with me. "Eh, the usual. Paying rent, practicing magic, hanging out with Eden, you know?", I said casually. Gray looked at the sky. "Hm, didn't know Eden had any friends. She so quiet in the guild everyday. All she eats is Saltine crackers and just sit on the bar stool with Mira and the Master. That's all I ever see her do", Gray said looking down. "Really? I never seen her do that. I thought she was a jumpy and spiritual kinda girl. I don't think I've ever seen her quiet and alone", I said surprised. Gray widened his eyes a bit. "Are you serious? A girl that emotionless spiritual? Wow, that's the first, It's hard to believe something like that", Gray said. I slowly chuckled. "Well, she might not talk very much if you ask me, but she eats crackers like its her favorite edible toy", I said. Gray gave me a weird look. "Edible toy? That's the best thing you came up with?", he said. I sighed. "Well I'm not really 100% today, I had to wake up at 7 am today", I groaned. "Why so early?", Gray asked. "I felt like getting up early for a change, I oversleep too much, which makes me miss stuff", I said. Gray turned away a little. "Yeah, I'm with you", he said. While we were talking, we made it to the giant doors of the guild. "I wonder if there's any good jobs today", I said. Gray shrugged a little. "I doubt it. Natsu probably hogged them already. He never hesitates for anything", Gray said. I nodded. "Yeah, it sure seems like it". When we got inside, we were greeted by a flushed Juvia. "GRAY SAMA! I've been waiting for you this morning! Did you sleep well?! Did you use that body pillow I made you?!", she squealed. I made a sour face, but I hid it. "CREEPY! Why would I use that thing?! And don't call me that! It makes me sound like a kid", Gray irked. "But Gray sama, it's cute and it makes you sound special!", Juvia said. I didn't want to be around her, so I decided to go on my own path. "Well, I'll be going now, see ya around Gray", I said, walking away. Gray looked back at me. "Oh, uh okay, see you", he said. I walked away a little quickly then usual, trying to get away for that crazy girl. Every time I see her I just want to strangle her, more likely, beat the crap out of that damn face. I sat down at the bar stool with Lucy and laid my head down on the table. "Hey Keely, something wrong? Didn't sleep well?", she asked. I looked at the blond. "No, just a little flustered that's all, nothing important", I said. "Hm. Okay, hey, have you seen Eden around?", She asked. "She went with Natsu to buy more crackers for her, why?", I said. "Oh, just wanted to know", Lucy said. Mira turned around with two glasses of water in her hands. "Here you go, oh hi Keely, how are you?", she greeted. How many times am I gonna answer the same questions? It's getting pretty old really fast. "Good thanks", I lied, taking the drink from her. She smiled at me. I smiled back. I looked at the request board for any good jobs, but I didn't see hardly any. Just two or three. Not a lot. "Hey, has there been any big jobs lately? I don't see very many like usual", I asked. Then Erza walked up to us, joining in the conversation. "Well, not many came in yet, and it's usually packed when it's around the afternoon", she said. "Oh. You know it's pretty calm around here without Gray and Natsu fighting now huh? It's usually funny and entertaining with them like that", I said. Erza smirked. "I didn't know you were the type of girl who liked fights with bad insults", she teased. "Hey, It's not like I care about it anyways, I just like seeing the guild loud sometimes when I feel like it", I groaned. "Looks like someone's a little cloudy today", Erza said. I sighed. After a few minutes, I heard the doors creak and Natsu came running in with a large bag in hand. "HEY GUYS!! WHATS UP TODAY?! IM FIRED UP NOW!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!", Natsu roared happily. I looked behind me and saw he wasn't alone. Eden was walking behind him silently. She wore her usual black sleeveless jacket like top with small white frills at the edges, including the long separate sleeves, her black skirt with small white frilled edges, and her over-the-knee black boots.. "She saw me and waved slightly. "Hey Eden", I called. She didn't respond. But at least she gave me a sign of greet. "So where do you want me to put these?", Natsu said softly to Eden. Woah, I've never seen Natsu sounding so calm to someone. This is pretty new. Eden pointed to where I was, and Natsu put it down there. Natsu took out a pack and gave it to her. She opened it and stuck a cracker in her mouth, without putting the whole thing in. "How many crackers did you even buy?", I asked. Eden went to the bag for a moment and went back to me. She stuck out seven fingers, and I face palmed. "How can you eat that many?!", I exclaimed. She responded with a blink. "Okay....well, um...", this got awkward a little. "Anything wrong Keily?", Mira asked while cleaning some glasses. "No, just a bit bored I guess", I said. That's when Eden walked up to me and offered me a cracker. "No thanks", I forced a smile and pushed it to her direction. That's when Loke (Leo) showed up. Oh no. "Good morning to you Keily, how about we....go out, let's say...tonight? I could treat you to dinner or s-" "no thanks", I said walking away. "Aw come on Keily! Please?! I wanna go out with yooooooooou!" "No thanks", I responded like he wasn't there. Then he started to "cry". Sometimes that guy creeps me out. Where's his protective side?! Whatever, it's almost time to go, maybe I'll hang with Cana for a little bit. "Hey Cana", I waved. "What's up kid?", she greeted back. "Hey guess what?", she asked. "Chicken butt", I replied with less emotion. "I ate some last night, but hey, I have a horoscope for you", she said. "You do?", I asked. "Yeah, it's...
The outfit Eden was wearing:
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