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"Wait....WHAT?!!", I shouted across the room shocked. "How that my horoscope?!", I said. "Well, it's what it tells me. Futures aren't wrong and it's what has to happen", Cana said. I blushed at the thought. Really? Is this all true? "Well, I gotta meet up with my dad now, catch ya later Keely. I'll tell ya more when I get back", she said before taking off. "Oh...okay", I said. I decided to go for a walk, to try to get this out of my mind. Ugh, if only I could just stop blushing, then I wouldn't look so ridiculous. I just looooove life(-_-'). I walked for about a block and sat down by a tree. Still couldn't get the feeling out of my head. I banged my head on the poor innocent tree. "Why (bang) can't (bang) I (bang) have (bang) a (bang) BREAK?!!! (Bang bang bang!)", I said to myself, making leaves fall on my head. "Great, the world hates me, thanks Mother Nature", I blurted brushing the leaves off. What the hells wrong with me? "Hey, what are you doing shouting down here?", a familiar voice said. I looked up and saw Gray. He was wearing his white coat and black pants. He looked at me with his cold piercing blue orbs. "Trying to get stress out by hurting nature", I said. "Really?", he said. "What do you expect me to do?", I said in a bored tone. "Natsu told me to get you. Him, Eden, Lucy, Erza and me have a job waiting", he held out his hand to help me up. "Oh, what kind is it?", I asked. Gray shrugged. "Something that we're probably gonna have to to pay instead of getting paid I know that much", he said. I sighed. "Geez", I groaned. "Hey, I wanted to ask you...", he began. "What?", I said. "When we went in the guild and Juvia showed up, I noticed you didn't look easy and you just walked off a little fast. Anything bothering you?", he asked. "No, it's nothing. Probably preventing anything crazy to go on me", I lied. "Oh, Juvia can get a bit out of hand sometimes *cough* all the time *cough*", he said. I laughed.
After opening the doors, Eden practically almost scared me because she was literally standing right in the center, almost getting hit in the face by the doors. "Woah, I wouldn't be standing there Eden, you might get hit", Gray said. Eden walked away. "Geez you sure are slow! What took you so long?!", Natsu said impatiently. "Well it's not our fault Flame Brain!", Gray irked. "What was that you Popsicle?!", Natsu snapped. "Are you picking a fight with me dragon breath?!", Gray snapped back. "Are you ice boy?!", Natsu hissed. "Oh it's on!", Gray was beginning to use his ice maker magic. "ICE MAKE LANCE!!", numerous ice lances flew across the room. "FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!!!", Natsu yelled from above, almost hitting Gray. "ICE MAKE SHIELD!", Gray said just in time before Natsu punched him. But Natsu melted it quickly and managed to get close to Grays face, but Gray dodged it, making Natsu hit a wall. "Ooooooohhh...", Eden said out of nowhere. "FIGHT LIKE A REAL MAN GRAY!!!", Elfman shouted. "SINCE WHEN WERE YOU INVOLVED?!", Gray yelled. "ICE MAKE- AAAAAAAAHH!!!" Gray screamed in agony. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!", Natsu tried to laugh but it ended up with a scream. I looked to the direction Gray and Natsu got hurt, and sure enough, Erza was in between them. "THATS ENOUGH! You're going to waste time like this! And Gray, put some clothes on! Natsu, quit acting like a child!", Erza scolded. "Yes ma'am....", the two boys groaned. Since when did Gray take his clothes off? It's like they come off automatically or something. Eden healed Natsu by pulling his broken neck back in place. "Now I feel like throwing up", I said, after hearing the disturbing sounds of Natsu's neck cracking. "Ack, thanks", Natsu groaned. Eden walked away. What's with her today? She's not acting like her usual self. Typical. Happy landed on my shoulder. "Hey Happy", I said with a slight smile. "Hi! Are you ready?", he asked. "Yeah I'm fired up", I said sarcastically in a blunt tone. "HEY THATS MY LINE!", Natsu yelled from behind me. "Whatever", I said. For a second I thought I heard Gray hold a laugh from a distance. Strange. "So, what's our job gonna be?", I asked. Eden gave me the flyer. I read it over. "We're going to some kind of party? And we need to find the person who's going to...turn girls to dolls. Ok, I'm out", I said turning away uninterested. "Same here, didn't know till now", Gray agreed. Erza pulled on our collars. "No, you're coming. Would you like a deadly doll apocalypse or do you want to have a nice time of your lives?", Erza glared. "We're not going there just to have fun you know. And you know I hate dolls", Gray said. "Great! Then you're going", Erza chirped, obviously missing the point. "30,000,010J", Eden said. Both me and Gray's eyes lit up. "Okay now I'm satisfied...Ish...", I said turning around to the group. Gray saw what I did there and he almost choked. "Whatever", Gray said holding his laugh. "Is there a bonus reward? Like a key....? Heheh....", Lucy said with a greedy tone. Eden patted her head. "No key", she said. Okay, is she acting like the cute one here because I've never seen Eden act like this. Maybe it's her shyness against people. "Should we get going?", Erza asked. "Mmph!", Eden tried to say "wait!" and ran off for a moment. Everyone exchanged glances. "Did she forget her crackers again?", Gray asked. Natsu held the bag of crackers. Eden ran back with loads of bags that were actually towering over her. "Oh crap! I forgot to pack! Did you pack all of our stuff for us Eden?", Lucy exclaimed. Eden nodded. "THANK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU!!!!!!!!" Natsu, Lucy, and Erza practically tackled her to an embrace. Geez it's just luggage, it's not like they lost something valuable. Gray just stood there like nothing's going on. "Hey! Can we cut the crap? I know Eden's generosity kicked in, but it doesn't mean we have to stall. I mean, we have a train to catch!", Gray said impatiently. I agreed. "I'm gonna carry you on my shoulders!", Natsu said in a baby like voice. He picked up Eden and sat her on his shoulders.
After all the dramaticness I obviously couldn't handle, we went to the train station. Apparently EVERYONE in the guild gave Eden sweets and some clothes, because of how 'adorable' she is. I wasn't jealous or anything, it just seems to me that Eden's getting spoiled. And she doesn't seem to be taking it all for granted, which is good. I'll take my mind off her now.
"Okay, so all we have to do is beat some guy making dolls out of girls. At a party", I said bluntly. "Didn't you just say that a few minutes ago?", Gray asked. "No...", I lied. I meant to say it twice. "Are you feeling up for this?", he asked. "To be honest, not really. I mean, it's just dolls. And Eden told me a while back that dolls were creepy and scary for her. After I told her about a certain doll that just blew her innocence apart", I cringed at the thought. Gray made a weird face. "Okay...., and what about your magic? I haven't seen you use it lately", Gray said. "I just use it for ordinary purposes. It's not entirely useful if I fight, but it's useful for me", I smirked, thinking about what I use my magic for, which is telekinesis. Then I thought about ways to destroy Juvia with my mind. "Uh, are you okay?", Gray looked at me weird. I snapped back to reality and smiled innocently.

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