Missing pt. 2 #Special Guest!

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Natsu's POV
I paced and paced around the guild hall in anger. What happened this time? Lucy's missing! What did the Oración Seis do this time?! I swear when I get my hands on 'em, they're gonna be sorry they ever laid they're hands on her!

I looked around the hall for Eden, but she wasn't there. Where'd she go?

Happy flew by super fast towards me in panic.

I blinked.
"I know that Happy, where were you?", I asked not in character.

"NOT JUST LUCY! EDEN TOO!", my head shot at Happy. I hope I heard right.

"What'd you say?!", I growled. Happy repeated what he said.
I was angry. I can't just stay here doing nothing!

"Happy, we're going out!", I announced loudly. Happy proudly saluted.

"Aye Sir!", and we took off running.

"Wait Natsu!", I skidded to a stop.

"What?!", I said impatiently.

"We don't know the first thing about where they are! How're we supposed to track them down?!", Happy pointed out.
"My sense of smell!!", I said. Happy sighed.

"You're not a dog you know", he smarted me out.
I stiffened.

"I don't see you smelling anyt- HEY!", I irked seeing Happy flying towards a seafood shop.

~10 minutes later~

We were following my nose for both Eden and Lucy's scent, and I found nothing so far. But I did smell something. Something strange. Strangely smelled like Eden, but it smells more like....water? 🌊

I ran as fast as I could towards the scent, which got stronger and stronger every second. I was getting close.

"NATSU! You're going too fast. WATCH OUT!!", Happy warned loudly. Too late.

I ran into somebody without knowing, and we tumbled down a high hill away from Magnolia, falling painfully.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!", I screamed while falling miserably.
Lucy's POV

I ran very far in complete shock and worry. Eden is Cobra's sister? It's almost hard to believe.

I mean, Eden hasn't told us ANYTHING about this. I did ask her once if she had any siblings, but she didn't say anything. It was like she didn't hear me. Wait...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have a strong hunch that the den has the same powers Cobra does, judging by him having poison dragon slayer magic. That means since they're blood related, they BOTH have a poison dragon slayer lacrima in their bodies. But Eden's part demon. So does that mean that Eden is also a Dragon Slayer?

"Lucy....", Eden's voice ran through my head. I tried so hard not to cry. It was just so sad and wrong to just leave her there with him. What am I doing fleeing like this?!

But then...even if I came back, I would've been through right then and there. What should I do?!
Back to Natsu and Happy
Natsu's POV
We were falling down a very steep hill and screaming the whole time. Once we finally stopped trying to die (bad joke), I groaned and tried moving around. Fail.

"Th-that...didn't...h-hurt...at...all...heheh....", I wobbled. Happy's head was stuck underground.

"H-hey! Are you okay over there?! S-sorry bout that heh...", I yelled lazily.

"I-it's alright....", a voice said.

I expected a dudes voice, but for some reason, it was a girl's (Eden in the future*: Natsu, wat da hell u doin?!). It sounded girly and high pitched, but still clear.

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