Eden's Story

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"Lucy get out of here! NOW!", Eden yelled in pain. Lucy looked at her in worry, but tried not to refuse, but she did as she was told, regretting it.
"WHERES EDEN AND LUCY?!", Natsu yelled across the room in anger.

"My name is Makoto A. Xandrex. Eden's twin cousin", Makoto said warmly to the two

"Makoto?!", Happy and Natsu said simultaneously in confusion.

(This doesn't really have to do with anything but you could read it I guess...😕)

Keely's POV

I teleported to Tenrou Island to go to Master Mavis' grave to keep her a little company for awhile. Master Makarov told me to go there to calm myself down from the rampage I had earlier....


"What do you mean she's gone missing?! She's probably out at the cracker store or something!", I raged. Master shot me with a warning shock.

"That's enough Keely. I'm sure we'll find her sooner or later. But it may be possible to get her back if Erza was here...", he said.

I glared at him.

"What do you mean we'll find her sooner?! She's just gotten banged up by Cobra already! What if he's gotten her too?! I have to go and help her!", I stomped my foot hard making the ground crack a little.

"I said we'll find her soon if we can, Keely, now just drop it and wait. That's all you can do now that you've used your power far too many times! You have to rest and let your magic energy fill up", he said sternly.

I can't believe he's just saying that like he doesn't even give a crap. This is my friend were talking about!

"Fine! If you won't help her, then I will! I want Eden back here! She's been through enough already!- whaaaa!!!!", I felt my feet escape the ground and my whole body felt like I touched a telephone wire.

"I said that's enough!! I'm far too fed up with your meaningless outbursts! I said what I said. You need to calm down already! This is just as hard on me than it is on you! I know Eden means a lot to you but you just need to have faith in her. You also need to worry about yourself for a change! You've gotten in much more trouble than she probably has, so just give it a rest!", Master shouted, then released me.

For a second I scowled, then I took a deep breath and tried to keep my cool.

"Eden may not look as reliable as you think, but she really is on top of her head for things like this. Sure she's in her own little world, but she doesn't just eat crackers and walk around doing whatnot, she actually looks out for all of you and protects you like a suit of armor that is unbreakable (I know what you're thinking and I don't like it😒📲).

I know she can do this on her own. But you just have to keep believing in her. She is an S-class wizard after all. She was also the youngest one who even came to Fairy Tail. About 4 years old perhaps? Yes, I remember it like it was just yesterday....

"Like what was yesterday?", I asked.
"The day Eden arrived to Fairy Tail. It was a sight that day..."

"In 767, a small girl in a tattered dress trotted around Magnolia pale and sad.
She didn't know where to go, or a place to call home, or a family to love. Her skin was dry and thick, and her eyes were a dying brown (basically pale ok?). Her hair was out of place, and was naturally short with small bangs.

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