Getting back on my feet...

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Hello my beautiful peeps!

NO I'm not dead

NO I didn't leave Wattpad

NO I didn't forget about my stories or any of you

NO I have not been making chapters lately.....heheh...^^''

.....Anyway, I have been on a LOOOOOOOOOOONG ASS BREAK I KNOW! But I have been watching many many animes lately (ok maybe not "many many...-_-")

Accel World

Attack on Titan and the new season 2 XD

Boku no Hero Academia and the new season 2 XXD
And yada yada yada. And Ive started to watch Bleach again too so yeah.

Ok back on topic, Ice Cold...hrmm...I need to try to get Fairy Tail back in my head to be able to write it well...but Ill try to do that since Bleach is in my head XD

Sorry for you all peeps that you had to wait for so damn long, honestly high school is like being surrounded by hollows and not being armed. Yup, that's how I'm feelin. But I will make my schedule for chapters. And I was also wondering if you guys want me to continue the BBRP. I really haven't been focusing on the old black butler except for the new movie and kinda lost my thought of what I should make for the next chapter. And guys the reads on CP&BB Crossover are making my head explode. I honestly CANNOT believe how many reads were on it! I'm like HOLY FUCKING CRAP!! Thank you so much for that! Am I'm still waiting for some votes and comments for a sequel. I know it was kinda bad, but hey I'm me, so ofc things are gonna be shitty. Right?....:D *ahem*......ok then.....

And KLK&BB Crossover I already at LEAST my #1 story in my works by far. Like srsly its incredible. But there ARE some stories that Ill have to put in the trash because honestly they weren't THAT good....but had a good run. Not sure yet but definitely some stories have to go. Don't worry, Ice Cold, KilllaKill and BB, Corpse Party and BB, and that are stayin, but I'm still a little skeptical on the Madoka Magica one I'm making.....oh well. To put things aside, I'll start back writing again when I need to, since I'm on spring break XD. But which story shoud I continue.....Ice Cold, Black Butler and Kill la Kill, or the roleplay? all up to you. Ok, I'm waiting for your thoughts. Just letting you guys know I'm not dead ;)

Bye now!

Eden X3


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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