trouble with the family

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The next morning after waking up Seth got out of bed, got dressed, then walked down stairs to get some breakfast. Kyle, Seth's seventeen year old brother  (six foot two, stragly black hair that comes to rest on his shoulders) was already in the kitchen pulling a cereal box out of the cupboard. He poured it into his bowl then pour it back where he'd gotten out from, then went to sit at the table. He poured milk into his cereal then put a spoonful in his mouth.

"So what happened last night?" Kyle asked casually.

"I don't know." Seth answered annoyed by that question because he didn't have the answer for it.

"Mhm...are you trying to hide something?"

"No. I just don't want to talk about it."

"But why? Maybe i could help."

Seth sneared. "I dont think so."

"Well won't you just tell me where you were? "

"Or maybe you could just tell me where you were." Seth retorted.

"I-it doesn't matter were i was. This isn't about me, it's about you."

"Well maybe i don't want it to be about me." Seth snapped beginning to get more angry.

"But it is."

"Just forget about it!" Seth yelled frusterated.

Kyle sighed as he shook his head in disappointment, then went back to eating his cereal, finally giving up.

Seth could feel his blood rising. He wished he could hit his brother, beat the crap out of him. But decided again it knowing he would easily be over powered by his well built brother. Instead he told himself to calm down. Then walked over to the cupboard and took out a bowl of his own.

Alison walked into the kitchen with there father following in her footsteps. "Good morning everyone." She said with a forced smile as she tried to sound as cheerful as possible.

"Morning." Kyle and Seth chorused glumly.

"So how did everyone sleep?" She asked casually but looked at Seth, as did everyone else.

Seth felt his anger well up again and begin to boil over. He shook his head, slashed his bowl down on the counter top, and stomped up the stairs going into his room.

He shut the door. Slid down the back of it. And for the longest time just sat there listening to silence as an air of confusion and frustration clouded around him and it made him feel colostraphobic. So he got yup and started passing his room. He knew his parents were only trying to help but he wished they wouldn't. There was no way he could tell them about that thing. They would just blame it on his story writting saying he had spooked himself with his own imagination.

Even if they would believe him it wouldn't matter much because he didn't know if he would ever see that thing again. Or at least that is what he wanted to believe so that his fear or paranoia wouldn't consume him.

Seth walked to his window and saw it was a glum day. Grey clouds smothered out the sunlight, rain drops slowly began to darken everything they touched. The wind blew violently bending the trees to and fro. It seemed like the glum of the day would have dampened Seth's mood more that it already was but instead it made him feel better, as though he weren't the only one enduring a heavy burden.

He heard a car engine start, breaking his thoughts. He looked down out the window at the garage as his father slowly started backing their Honda out of it. His mother waited impatiently in the cold drizzle. As soon as she was in the car drive off. Seth wondered where they were going but didn't feel much like asking Kyle at the moment.

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