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I woke up to see a tattooed arm wrapped around my waist. and I soon realize that arm is brendons arm. I look down. same clothes as the night before. I turn around and see brendon is fast asleep, and snoring quietly. he looked peaceful. I smiled and just watched him for a good minute.
I wasn't falling for him. nope.

I turned back around and as soon as I moved, his two arms wrapped tighter around me and he put his face in the crook of my neck, making me blush like crazy.

he woke up around 10 minutes later and muttered "shit" under his breath. I closed my eyes and tried to pretend I was sleeping. he pulled away from me and stood up, walking over to the dirty mirror and trying to fix his hair. "you can't like her. the world is ending" he said to himself. my mind was screaming like a pre teen girl who just found out her crush likes her back.
I had taken a shower the night before so I didn't have to. Brendon walked into the bathroom.
I looked as he accidentally (or not accidentally. you never know with Brendon Boyd Urie) left the bathroom door a crack open. I looked as he took of his shirt. I stopped myself when he was only in boxers.

Around 15 minutes later brendon came out with only a towel.
holy crap he's hot
I forced my eyes shut and I heard footsteps as he walked up to the bed.
I slowly opened my eyes to see his towel and slowly moved my eyes up to meet his.
he smirked "hey sleepyhead"
I rolled my eyes "I was sleeping"
"yeah well we don't have any money. that means that we're going to have to sneak out. without paying." he said.
I stood up and looked up at him.
he's really tall, okay?
I crossed my arms.
he ran a hand through his wet hair.
"why are you so tall?" I asked.
"I don't know, why are you so short?"

brendon and I walked out of the room quietly. we ran to the car, laughing. we saw a pink head of hair run up to the car, wearing only a bathrobe and bunny slippers.
we jumped in the car and brendon rolled down the window and laughed
"thanks pete!"
brendon stuck his head out the window and smiled evilly "1 she's not my girlfriend as of now. and 2 I don't give a crap come at me!" and like that, we drove away

and that was the day I stayed in a hotel room for free with Brendon Boyd Urie.

Little did we know this was only the beginning.


fml I used his name so many times in this chapter. not to mention this chapter is bad. I'm sorry. enjoy.
ps thanks for 12k on possesed. it makes me so happy to see my little story become a kinda big one :')

THE END - BRENDON URIE Where stories live. Discover now