Chapter 7

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After Josh left. I looked at Alysa. She stood there dumbfounded, but she spoke first.

"It'll be so awesome if you actually turn out to be a werewolf. And with Josh as your coach through werewolfism-"

I cut her off before she could continue. "'Werewolfism' isn't a word. You just made that up. And there's no way I'm a werewolf cause it's not possible."

She stood up. "Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't."

At that same moment, the front door shut. I hadn't heard it close when Josh left. Why was he in my house so long? I ran down the stairs so I could look out the window to see if he took anything but I didn't even reach to the window. At the foot of the stairs was my brother.

I got no 'Good evening little sister' like I usually do. Instead I got: "What the hell was Josh doing in our house? Upstairs in your room, more specifically."

Could I tell Chase what happened? Would he believe me?
After 10 seconds of my internal conflict, I decided that I wouldn't tell him anything just yet.

"I left my text book in school and Josh was just returning it." Alysa was a mastermind at lying. When she was, no one could tell.

"Okay." Chase pondered on this for a little while. "But why was he upstairs?" Chase asked with a raised brow.

Damn him and his abilities to raise one eyebrow I thought to myself.

It was my turn to add to the story now.

"I left the front door open, so he let himself in. And don't start to lecture me and the dangers of it. I've heard it before."

"You're stupid. You know that right?"

"Yeah. But you love me anyways." I replied and walked back up the stairs and into my room.

Alysa and I were walking through the doors of our school. Josh hasn't spoken to me since he told me about that werewolf bullshit. Tonight was supposed to be full moon.

"Tonight will be a normal Friday night Sam. Then Josh can stop 'keeping and eye on you'."

It's true. This past week or so Josh has been full on stalking me at school. During lunch he's somewhere behind my back, everytime I look over my shoulder he's there, watching me. In the few classes I have with him, he sat close by. He even went as far as to waiting opposite the girls' washroom. Every Goddamn time that I come out and look up I see his stupid gorgeous face.

"I hope you're right Lys. I can't take him following me around."

She looked at me like I was insane. "Are you kidding me? Almost every girl in this school would kill to have Josh stalk them."

I grinned at her. "Almost every girl. That leaves the exception of me."

She sighed in defeat as we made our way to first period.



Since I found out that Samantha was becoming a werewolf, I've been keeping tabs on her. She thinks it's only during school but what she doesn't know won't kill her. During school I let her see when I'm looking at her. When she's at home, however, I sit in my front porch and listen for anything strange.

I swear my ears are numb from Alysa screaming during the horror movie last night.

It was the end of the day and she was going home. I drove off right behind her. At an intersection I got a red light. A black SUV pulled behind Samantha's car.

When the light finally turned green, I floored it.

I didn't see Samantha's car anywhere on the road. She must be home. I thought to myself.

"Shit," I mumbled under my breath. Her car was there, but she wasn't.
It was the night of the full moon, so my special qualities were enhanced as if I were on a drug. I caught her scent and raced after her.

I looked at the time on the dashboard. It was half four. I had until midnight to get her. At midnight she would turn and then they would brand her. Just as they did me.

I had to get to her before they did anything to her.


*Forever_bubblegum was here...aka Ayanah*

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