Chapter 6

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Josh was being stupid at lunch.Why the sudden friendliness. He never spoke to me, or anyone really. He just spoke to Ethan and acknowledged a few of Ethan's 'friends'. Nothing else. Why the hell did he pull me out of the lunch room to say stupid things? I can smell it. What could he smell? My perfume? I don't know.

French class was completely boring. Most of the times it is. My head was pounding though. I kept hearing every single noise that was made in class. I made it out alive at the end of the day. Alysa and I went to the mall after school since she needed new clothes. I have been to her house a hundred times. If anything she has too much, but I didn't mind a trip to the mall. While she indulged in clothes, I would be indulging in shoes, food and ice-cream.

After almost two hours of shopping, we went to the food court. She got the food while I handled the ice-cream. Alysa was in line waiting to order our food so I sat down by an empty table. I was jus about to dig into my ice-cream when a familiar voice, one that I really didn't want to hear, spoke out from behind the bags I placed on the table. Oh great. He's here too.

"You need to come with me. I need for you to tell me what happened to you yesterday. I can help you." Josh said the last part in an almost whisper.

"Nothing happened," I lied. "Can you please stop acting like a freak and leave me alone?"

Alysa came to the table in time to hear me tell Josh that and we got up and left.

"What was that about?" I didn't tell Alysa yet what had happened yesterday. I didn't know if I could. How do I explain what happened when I don't even understand what happened? I guess I was going to have to try. Alysa was my best friend and I've never hidden anything from her.

I signed. "I'll explain it all when we get home."

We dumped the bags on my table and sat down on my bed. I spilled it all. What happened at the pharmacy, how I got home unknowingly, Josh's weird behaviour and him stalking me. I wasn't sure about the stalking part though. At least not yet. Alysa's facial reaction told me that she had a million questions for me that I couldn't answer. Before she could say anything a voice spoke up from by the door.

"They're back." Alysa and I jumped when Josh's voice was heard through the room. I was right. He is a stalker.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? How did you get in here? Don't just stand there with that dumbass smirk on your face, get out!"

He didn't leave. Instead he came into my room, pulled a chair and took a seat.



I wasn't leaving. She had to know that. After hearing her story, I knew they were back.

"What happened to you yesterday, you should have told me. I can help you."

"Help me with what? I don't need hep. If I did I'd ask someone who I know."

I knew she wasn't going to let me help her. But in a few days she would need it. The full moon was in a week and she had no clue as to what she was now or how to control it.

She was trying to get me off the chair, probably so she could get me to leave. She was really getting me annoyed. I need to stop trying to offer her help. I got up an spun around to face her.

"Listen to me. You're a werewolf now, or at least you'll be one by next week, and you need me to help you understand things before the full moon."

"Werewolves only exist in books and TV shows. Not real life Josh. Stop messing around and leave." Samantha was freaked a bit. I didn't need any heightened sense to tell.

"Werewolves are creatures of the supernatural and their senses are heightened. Everything, supernatural or non-supernatural has a scent. Yours was that of a normal human but this morning it was different. I got a different scent. One that Ii wish you didn't have now

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I'm a werewolf Samantha. That's how I know these things. Let me help you."

She looked at me as if I was insane. She pressed her hands to her forehead, as if she were rubbing away a headache.

"I think you should leave Josh."

I tried but she wouldn't let me help. Next week she'll need it.I told myself this. I wouldn't let her make the mistakes that I made. I looked at her serious face once last time and left.

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