Chapter 5

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It was the morning after the party and Alysa had the world's worst hangover. She had no idea what happened last night after we walked through the door. I was going to the cabinet in the bathroom to get her advil, but for some reason it had none.

" Lis, I'm going to the pharmacy. I'll be back in a few. Do not, under any circumstances, puke in my room!" I yelled from the bottom of the staircase. I decided to walk since the pharmacy wasn't far and besides, it was a nice sunny morning. I was on the porch fixing my shoes when I heard someone call out.

"Señorita, do you need a ride?" I looked up to see Josh barely shouting from across the road. He stood outside his car. I gave him this look I give my brother when he asks me to eat beans. I hate beans.

"Nope. Bye." I replied and walked away in the direction of the pharmacy. I had this weird feeling that something bad was going to happen, but I brushed it off. The weather was perfect and nothing could be better. Well Alysa could not have a hang over but, I guess nothing's perfect.

I was about to enter the parking lot of the pharmacy when someone grabbed me from behind and threw me over their shoulder. I kicked and pounded my fists against the persons back but it had no effect. My efforts were in vain. I screamed but no one could hear me. Why was here so deserted? I raised my head to glance at the door to see that the pharmacy was closed.

The only thing I could do to try and free myself now was bite. Hard. Whoever was trying to kidnap me let out a string of curses, but didn't loosen their grip. Instead, his grip on me tightened. I swear I felt his nails piercing the skin below my ribs. He started to run really fast. It was beyond human speed. I got my bearings after he put me down. We were deep into the forest. I recognised where we were since Chase, Alysa and I spent a weekend camping here a few months ago. On my kidnapper's face was a scar. Two lines running parallel to each other, from below his ear lobe to just under his chin. His eyes were ringed with a faint yellow. It only stood out since he had dark brown eyes. I felt a blow to the back of my head and then the world went black.

I woke up in my bed. I had no idea how or when I got here. Where was Alysa and Chase? I tried to sit up but I couldn't. The skin over my stomach was burning. Three gashes were present from under my rib cage to my hip bone. My mind was running wild on everything that happened yesterday. The last thing I saw was my kidnappers face. I tried to move again but that only caused the 'cuts' to bleed. There was to much blood. I went in the bathroom and cleaned it up after it stopped bleeding and put bandages over it.

I was looking for my phone on my bed, since that's where it always is, then I remembered that I had everything in my bag with me yesterday. I spun in a circle, my eyes searching for my bag, when I saw it placed the chair by my table. Now I had two questions: How did my bag and me get home? What kidnapper gives you back your bag anyway? Don't they take all your valuables? I was too confused.

The first thing I noticed when I picked up my phone was that it was Monday and I had to be in school in the next half hour. There is no way I was going to survive through the day since the slices on my stomach were unbearably paining, but I'm Samantha Park. I never miss school. Even if it's a Monday. Did I mention I hate this God-damned day?



"Can't we just stay home this week and eat food all day long?" Ethan was stuffing his face with sandwiches that my mom made for breakfast. When she's here, he stays the entire week. I grabbed mine before he ate it and sat down on the bench. Before I could put the sandwich in my mouth, a car pulled up and out came my clumsy little neighbour. She dropped all the text books in her hand. I was about to get up to go help her when the air seemed different. She couldn't be. I doubt I was that drunk Saturday to not notice.

You've been living next to her for months now. You would've noticed by now. It's a recent thing then.

My mind was buzzing with questions. By the time I focused and was going to ask her, the bell had rung and she left.

The morning half of the day passed in a blur. The only thing on my mind was that she's like me now. Or she would be soon. How? This must have happened after I left for the airport yesterday. I sensed her when she walked in the door. I got up and went to talk to her. I had to find out what happened. Before she could sit down I grabbed her hand and dragged her out to the hall. I heard her wincing in pain.

"What happened to you?" I asked her, well more like demanded. She looked at me, afraid and confused but she couldn't keep her mouth shut. What a surprise.

"N-nothing. Why are you asking me?"

"I can smell it. It's radiating off you. Something happened to you yesterday after I spoke to you. What?" She was dodging my question and I didn't like it.

"You can smell it? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" she said. "There isn't much time for lunch and I need to eat, so, see ya." And she left me there in the hall alone.

I had to tell Ethan he was the only person who knew who, or what I was. I found him back at the table. I told him about my conversation in the hall. I was panicking since the last time I had run-ins with what I am, bad things happened. Its why I left New York and came to Canada. His eyes practically bulged out of his head when I told him what she was.

"She's like me Ethan. She's a werewolf."

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