Chapter 1

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September 7th 2000
Grant POV-

"I'm going to go tell the Walker's that the baby was Born" I said to my beautiful wife who just gave birth to my gorgeous daughter

"Okay can you bring them back with you" Liz says to me while holding our baby girl who has my brown hair and Liz's big brown eyes

"Yes I'll bring them back" I said and gave my wife a kiss on the lips and our daughter a kiss on the forehead " I love you" I tell her

"I love you too" she says then I walk out to go find our best friends since middle school Jimmy and Rose Walker with their 3 kids Joshua who is 4, Caleb who is 1 and Annie who is 1. They are also taking care of our 6-year-old Emily since we didn't want her in the room when Liz was giving birth. They look up when I get near them and my daughter comes running to me and I pick her up

"Is the baby here do I have a sister yet daddy?" She ask while staring at me with her big blue eyes she got from me

"Yeah she's here do you want to see her?" I ask her she nods her head really fast making her blonde curls fall in her face that she got from her mother

"Congratulations" my best friend Jimmy says to me and picking up Caleb while Rose picks up Annie "can we see her?" He ask me while holding a sleeping Caleb in his arms

"Of course you can" I tell them and turn around with Emily in my hands and see Rose waking up Joshua and holding his hand so he walks next to her I take them to room 310 where my wife is holding my daughter as she stares at her mommy.

"Hey guys want to hold her" she says to Jimmy and Rose while handing her off to Rose after she put Annie in a chair for her to play with some toys she brought while I put Emily down so she can see her mommy

"She's so small" Rose says

"Yep 6 pounds 3 ounces and she is 8 inches long" I say to her

"Have you thought of a name yet" Jimmy ask while I look at my wife grinning and she nods at me to tell them her name

"Yes her name is Olivia" I say to them proudly as Jimmy sits down with Caleb still sleeping on his lap and Rose hands him Olivia

"She's so cute" he says and he's right she's in a purple onesie with a number 7 on it with Cooper on the back he hands her to me so I can show Emily her baby sister

"Emily do you want to hold her?" I ask her while she sits with Liz

"Yes daddy" she tells me smiling and holding out her hands as I gently place Olivia in her arms I hold out my phone for Jimmy to take so he can take a picture of me and my girls as I put my arm around Liz and smile at the camera he hands me back my camera and I look at the picture of me and Liz smiling at the camera with Emily looking down at Olivia and Olivia with her eyes close. I set that as my home screen and show Liz and she smiles at it

"Daddy" I hear a little boy say and see Caleb waking up as I'm taking Olivia from Emily's arms since she fell asleep on Liz's shoulder

"Yes buddy" Jimmy says to him while rose goes and grabs Annie before she falls off the chair she was sleeping on with Joshua and returns to her seat with Annie on her shoulder

"We are at the hospital" he tells him

"Why?" He ask him as Jimmy laughs at Caleb's confused face

"To see the new baby" he tells him and Caleb looks even more confused

"What baby?" He ask him

"Emily's new sister" he tells him and points at Olivia in my hands as Caleb looks at her

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