Chapter 23

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September 30,2016(Friday)
Olivia's POV-


School ended and I told Caleb to wait for me while I went to the bathroom by his car.  I use the bathroom and go walking to Caleb's car to see him leaning against the car talking to some blonde soccer player that is a complete bitch and thinks she owns the school even though no one likes her.  She's latched onto his arm as he looks uncomfortable as he tries to pull his arm away from her but she latches on harder.

"What are you doing?" I ask them

"Talking" the blonde says

"Uh huh sure go talk to someone who likes you" I say to her as she just stares at me blankly

"Caleb does like me don't you Caleb?" She asks him batting her eyelashes

"Umm... No I don't" Caleb says after successfully pulling his arm out of her grip, getting into the car.  I climb into the other side of the car as the blonde just stands there staring at us as we drive off.

"Why were you talking to her?" I ask him as we drive home

"I didn't plan to talk to her she just walked up to me and start saying crap I wasn't listening to" he says as I laugh

"Of course she would she wants stuff she can't get" I say to him as he nods 

"Yeah she's tried to talk to me before but I just ignore her most of the time" he says to me pulling into his drive way, we get out and walk into his house walking into the living room and putting on some random tv before laying down cuddling together. Most likely going to bed because we didn't go to bed till really late and we didn't get to sleep in like we were use to doing the week we were off.

"schools tiring" I say to Caleb

"Yeah super boring and makes you want to sleep through everything" Caleb says

"Yep" I say to him popping the 'p' as I put my head in his neck falling asleep in a matter of seconds.


Caleb's parents made tacos for dinner which we all ate lots of it where there was no extras for leftovers. It was a delicious dinner and a good 3 or so hour nap cuddling with Caleb.  During dinner we all talked quietly still not completely back on schedule after the long vacation of sleeping in.  We finished dinner at 8:00pm and just watched some movies with everyone. 

"Are you tired?" Caleb ask me after I laid my head on his shoulder sleepily.

"Yeah" I say yawning as he places his arm on my shoulder.

"Okay I'll take you upstairs" he says lifting me up bridal style and carrying me up the stairs to his bedroom.  I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and climb into his bed laying my head on bears stomach who climbed on the bed with me.  I fall asleep as soon as my head hit bears stomach not even waiting for Caleb to climb into bed.

October 3,2016(Monday)


Caleb has a baseball game that starts in a few minutes and I'm wearing his home jersey since we are at a away game that is only a city over so it's about 40 minutes away from home so it's not that far unlike some of his other games.  Mom and dad came with the twins and Emily which actually made it to the game.  This is the 4th game that his team has played they are 3-0 undefeated they have been playing really well.

"Games starting" mom says as I look up to see the first batter for the other team up and ready in the box as Caleb crouches behind the plate.  Luke throws one right down the middle and the batter swings and hits it to Kyle the first baseman who steps on first to get him out.  The next batter comes up and strikes out the third one hits a double in the middle of short and 3rd. The fourth batter comes up, and hits it toward Austin who throws it to first and the runner on second tries to run to 3rd but Kyle throws it to Eli who's playing 3rd and he tags them out for the last out.

"Let's go Luke" Caleb's dad yells to him as he steps up to bat, he swings and misses the first so the counts 0-1, the pitcher throws the second pitch as Luke hits it to the fence getting a triple.  The next batters get on base with a walk each, Caleb comes up with the bases loaded. Caleb swings and misses twice and takes 3 balls so it's a full count, the pitches throws one right down the middle which Caleb's swings and makes contact and the ball goes right over the fence in center field. He makes the score 4-0 with his grand slam with zero outs but the next 3 batters get out at first.  The game ends 5-4 with us winning the other team gained 4 runs in the 7th inning when are team just couldn't stop the runners from scoring but the team came back together to win.

"I'm going to congratulate Caleb" I say to dad as we begin to pack up, I walk to the dugout where Caleb was with his teammates packing up I wait outside the dugout about 20 feet away waiting for him. When I turn around to see if he's ready I see something I would never want to see again. I walk back up to where mom and dad are standing next to the twins and Emily.

"Where's Caleb?" Dad ask me

"Kissing some girl" I say walking into dads arms when he opens them, when I turned around to see Caleb the blonde soccer player from Friday was attached to his lips with her hands around his neck pulling him close to her. He was shocked and in no way kissing her back but he should have pushed her away instead of letting her kiss him.

"Let's go home" dad says as I nod into his chest as he starts walking almost completely carrying me. He walks to the car with me as mom, Emily and the twins follow us. When we get to the car I climb into the back with Zac and Dylan who's seats are in the back on the bench. Dad climbs into the front as Emily and mom climb into the car, when dad pulls out of the parking spot I see Caleb looking around the parking lot. I turn my head not looking at him because I might end up crying and I don't want to start crying with my family in the car with me. When we get home it's already 8:30 so mom makes a quick dinner of hotdogs and fries which I eat really quick. When I go up stairs champ follows me up as I go to brush my teeth he jumps on my bed and lays down waiting for me. I change into a pair of short shorts and a tank top before I climb into bed with champ who lays his head on my stomach.

"Hey champ" I say to him rubbing his head as he barks happily, and moves closer to my face to lick me. My phone buzzes roll over to grab my phone to see 1 miss call from Caleb and 5 text messages from him to all the messages say the same thing just worded differently. I turn my phone off so it won't annoy me all night and then I turn on the tv playing a old episode of full house. I grab my bear that Caleb got me when I was one and hug it tightly to my chest with champ in my other arm. I finally let the tears out when I know everyone went to bed by now it's already way past 12:00 and I'm not going to get enough sleep for school. I fall asleep after becoming completely exhausted and trying not to think about yesterday's events.

Thanks for reading Everlark2000

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