Chapter 2

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September 6th 2001
Grant's POV-

My baby girl turns one tomorrow I can't believe how fast the year has flown by her and Caleb have been close he is always with her and playing with her even though she can't really understand what he says all the time and she can't really walk like him yet but he still plays with her I think it's cute

"Hey baby girl" I say changing her diaper and getting ready to change her into her a blue onesie after she is dressed I pull out my phone to get a video of her as I tickle her so I can get more videos of her on my phone. I start tickling her stomach and she starts laughing and smiling at me and I smile back at her

She reaches her little hands out for me "Dada" I hear her say and I start grinning because I got her first words on camera I pick her up and stop recording the video and go to find Liz in the kitchen making lunch for us and see Emily sitting there coloring in a coloring book

"You will never believe what just happened" I say to Liz grinning from ear to ear

"What?" She says laughing at me

"She said dada I even got it on camera" I say to her showing her the video she takes Olivia from my hands smiling

"I'm so proud of you baby" she says spinning her around making her laugh

"Mama" she says laughing I smile because I got that on camera too Liz is going to be so happy that I got that on camera Liz stops spinning her and smiles

"I got that on camera, we got her first 2 words on camera" I told her sending both videos to her while I stir the Mac and cheese and scoop it into 3 bowls and take it to the table for us to all eat and I grab Olivia's baby food cereal so I can let her snack on something as we eat so she is occupied I take Olivia from Liz and put her in a high chair and hand her some food and a sippy cup of milk.

"Emily time to eat" I tell her when walking over to grab her and put her in a chair with her food in front of her with some apple juice in a cup for her

I have two great kids a 7-year-old and an almost one year old and a wonderful wife I couldn't be happier

Later that day

After I put the kids to bed I walk into the bedroom to see Liz wrapping baby presents for Olivia's birthday party that's going to be just us and the Walkers since we want it to be a small party with our closest friends and mine and Liza parents live to far away al the way in California and we live in Maryland so it would just be a hassle to come down here for birthdays they only come down for holidays like thanksgiving and Christmas

"I can't believe she is already going to be 1 the year has went by so fast" I say as she finishes wrapping the little car we got her to learn to start walking with and some little number toys and letter toys to help her learn her numbers and letters before she gets to preschool

"I'm so happy that you got her first words on camera I hope we can get her first time walking on camera also" Liz says to me and I nod thinking of how happy my family makes me

"Ready to go to bed" I ask her after she finished wrapping the 4 presents we got her

"Yeah I'm ready" she says so I put the presents on the ground as she climbs into the bed and I climb in after her we both fall asleep immediately

The next day

I wake up at 8:00am to see Liz still asleep in bed and go check on Emily to see her sleeping peacefully then I go check on the birthday girl when I walk in I see her sitting up in the crib smiling

"Dada" she says reaching out for me and I smile picking her up getting a clean diaper and a onesie that is purple with birthday girl on it in white

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