Chapter 19

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September 19,2016(Tuesday)
Olivia's POV-


All day we have been having fun when I first woke up i could smell bacon and eggs being cooked which was a good way to wake up to the smell of bacon. Then after eating we all hung around in the pool while the parents went to make sure we had the boat for the week. And I have only been up for about 3 hours so I got to sleep in which is a great way to start a vacation.

"Get your life jackets and put on your swimming suits back on" mom says coming into the living room since we all came into the cabin after drying off outside. We came in to watch some tv until the parents got home so we would be dry before we got on the boat.

"We will see you in 15 minutes" dad says as we all rush upstairs to get in life jackets, mom and dad help get the twins ready as me and Caleb get the dogs in their life jackets. When we have our life jackets on me and Caleb take the dogs with us to the boat to see only his parents on the really nice pontoon boat.

"Wow you guys are first ones here and you had to get the dogs ready" Caleb's dad says impressed

"Yeah we already had on swimsuits on but we dried them since we knew we would need them on later" Caleb says as he helps bear onto the boat and I help champ onto the boat as Caleb helps me. We wait for everyone which is about a 5 minute wait. Josh and Emily are the last ones to get on the boat as we take off with Caleb's dad driving. I sit down next to Caleb as the dogs explore the boat, Caleb wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"This wind feels so good" I say to Caleb as the boat starts picking up speed about half and hour later we hook the tube to the back of the boat so we can start tubing. Annie goes with Emily and Josh and Annie is the last one to fall in. Me and Caleb go next with the twins in between us I fall first then the twins as Caleb is the last one to fall off the boat.

"Let's anchor here" dad says to Caleb's dad as we get back on the boat after tubing a couple more times switching up the partners.

"Yeah we can let them swim here" mom says as they anchor the boat and turn the slide on. We all climb to the top of the slide as Emily goes down first followed by Josh then Annie then Zac and Dylan. It's finally my turn to go down the slide into the water once I go down the slide I wait for Caleb before I go to get the dogs to jump in which they do. We swim around for a while before getting back on the boat for a couple hours.

"Do we have food on the boat?" I ask mom who's sitting next to Caleb's mom and talking to her.

"Yeah we bought sandwich meat, bread and drinks for the boat they are in the cooler over there" mom said to me as I walk over there to see everything she said is in the cooler.

"Dad should we anchor the boat so we can eat?" I ask him since he's now driving the boat after switching with Caleb's dad once we pulled the anchor back up after swimming.

"Yeah I'll stop here so every one can eat lunch" he says to me as he anchors the boat as everyone starts making their sandwich. We had turkey or chicken and tons of cheese and different things to put on the sandwich once we all made our sandwiches and sat down to eat.  We all sat down to talk while I sat next to Caleb and Zac leaning against Caleb as we ate talking and laughing.


When we get back the parents go to make dinner which is just going to be hotdogs for the night with some chips. Me and Caleb got to change after we all kept the life jackets in a box in the living room. Once dinner is done we eat outside by the pool talking about the day and how fun it was. Once we finish I go upstairs to shower as everyone stays down there to finish eating. I walk into the bathroom and shower quickly before walking into the bedroom and putting on a sports bra and some lacy underwear.

"P-princess" Caleb says stuttering as I turn around to see him looking me up and down I blush trying Torino something to put on which I end up grabbing a purple hoodie and throwing it on me which goes down to my mid thigh.

"You could have looked away" I say to Caleb not even putting pants on because the hoodie goes father than short shorts would.

"I can't take my eyes off you when your fully clothes I definitely won't be able to take my eyes off you when your in your bra and underwear" he says to me as I blush getting into bed looking at the time to see its already 9:30 he climbs in after taking his shirt off and changing into a pair of sweats.  I pull out my iPad handing I to him so he can hold it and find the movie.  I lay my head against his chest and wrap a leg around his waist and one arm around his upper chest.

"Let's watch Netflix" I say to him as he unlocks the iPad and opens the app.

"What do you want to watch?" He asks me I don't know why he always ask me what I want to watch he knows it's going to be the same thing I want to watch every time.

"High school musical" I say to him he just rolls his eyes at me

"Why just so you can stare at Zac Efron the whole time?" He ask pouting he's so jealous of a celebrity I will never meet and he shouldn't be jealous of Zac Efron he's way hotter than him.

"Baby I have you to stare at not Zac Efron yeah he's hot but your hotter and I get to stare at your abs all I want" I say to him rubbing my hand up and down his abs for added effect.

"Fine we can watch it" he says giving in to me after a minute of begging and pouting from me since he doesn't like to say no to me.

"Thank you" I say kissing him as he puts the movie on and we watch it as he groans throughout the movie but I just smack s chest every time he groans about the movie.

"It's over finally" he says happily after its finished I don't know why he hates it so much.

"Shut up the only reason you agree to it so much is because you get to see Vanessa Hudgens" I say to him

"I watch it for you but Vanessa Hudgens is just a bonus but she's nothing compared to you I mean I get to see you in nothing but your bra and underwear" he says to me as I smack his chest for bringing me in my bra and underwear back up.

"Such a suck up" I say to him laughing and kissing his cheek lightly.

"If I wasn't I might not get anymore kisses from you" he says cutely I kiss him to shut him up before says something else.

"I don't think that would happen considering I can't stop kissing you so it would be a lose lose situation" I say to him as he laughs

"Never thought of it that way" he says to me putting on some random movie that was on the recommend for us to watch while we fall asleep with the dogs laying next to us.

Thanks for reading Everlark2000

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