Chapter 5

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August 28,2016(Sunday)
Olivia's POV-

"They are so cute" I hear dad say "I'm going to take a picture of them"

"Honey don't wake them" mom says

I hear a click which I guess was the sound of the picture but I'm to tired to get up to figure out if that's what it was so I just turned my head the other way and snuggle into whatever I'm sleeping on.

"Let's go boys" I hear my dad say they must be taking the boys some place but right now I don't care. I just want to go back to bed. About 3 minutes later I hear the front door close shut and finally fall back asleep.

3 hours later

I can feel someone staring at me but just grip onto the material under my hands and snuggle closer to the warmth. 1 minute later I feel a kiss on my head and think back to what happened last night and remember talking Caleb into watching High School Musical 3 and falling asleep on him about half way through the movie.

"stop staring at me" I mumble after 5 minutes of trying to get back to sleep I hear laughing and open my eyes to see Caleb laughing and my hands gripping onto his shirt tightly.

"Nope" he says popping the 'p' I loosen my hold on his shirt but not completely let go of it.

"What time is it?" I ask him as he looks at the clock on his phone when I see a picture of us sleeping just like how we are now but it's a picture from his house. His mom must have sent him the picture after taking it the last time we had a sleepover at his house.

"12:04" he says so I got about 12 hours of sleep which is good because on the weekdays I get about 6 if not less from school

"How long have you been up?" I ask him

"30 minutes" he says

"What have you been doing?" I ask wondering why he wouldn't just wake me up to get up

"Scrolling through Instagram and then staring at you thinking how long it would be till you get up" he says

"oh" I said "where Is everyone?"

"Your parents sent me a text saying they went out with the boys to and won't be back till 3" he says to me

"Okay" I say

"What do you want to do?" He ask me

"Eat some leftover pizza and play black ops 3 zombies, that sound good?" I ask him

"Yep perfect" he says as I start getting up and go to warm up 6 pieces of pizza with bear following me and I give him some food that we have at our house for him and some water. He starts eating as soon as I place the food on the ground.

"Here's your pizza" I say to Caleb as he walks into the kitchen

"Thanks" he says to me I nod as we eat silently once were done we put our plates in the dishwasher as we walk into the living room I grab the hat I was wearing last night and put it on backwards.  As he grabs the blanket we were sleeping with and puts it in the closet.

"Ready to play Xbox one?" I ask him as he nods and we walk upstairs to my room that is the 2nd on the right. We walk into my room as he sets up the Xbox to play I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth since he did that before we came up here.  In my room as soon as you walk in you see the bed in the middle of the room and on the left is a white desk and behind the desk is a picture of a dog that I really liked. I have a spinning white chair that I love and under my bed is a a big rug that has big green and blue spots.  Behind my bed on the wall is tons of different shells with pictures of me and my friends lots of me and Caleb and my family.  My walls are a light brown wood that matches my light brown wood flooring.  I have a big windows in my room that make it really bright in the morning.  To the right of my bed is a hanging chair that's blue and a circle swivel chair that is the same one downstairs but it has a blue cushion and a white couch against the wall.  The best thing is my 60 inch tv with my xbox one and all my games.  My room colors are white and blue and green.  My bed is a queen size bed and it has pillows covering the wood from the desk so you don't get hurt when sleeping.  My room is really big since it fits all that stuff next in it and even has a connected bathroom that has a large tub and a shower so you can choose which ever one you want to use on that day.  When laying on the bed you can see the tv.

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