Chapter 15

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"Okay truth or dare Caleb?" Max asks means I weigh each in my head

"Dare" I say probably the wrong choice

"Kiss Liv" Max says

September 8,2016(Thursday)
Olivia's POV-

"What she's my best friend" Caleb says freaking out I'm blushing deep red as I'm sitting on Caleb's lap in my underwear and his shirt.

"I said kiss Liv that's your dare" Max says smirking at us

"Fine" Caleb says sighing as he turns me around and plants his lips right on mine I kiss him back, it's the best kiss in the world and I never want to stop but he slowly pulls back after 30 seconds. The kiss was soft but also hot at the same time and his lips were so smooth.

"That was a long kiss for best friends" Garret says teasingly wiggling his eyebrows at us as I blush

"Oh shut up I'm done with truth or dare right now before I have to do something that I shouldn't do" Caleb says lifting me off his lap to turn the tv on and throw a movie in so we can go to bed. Everyone lays down where there at as Caleb sits in the swivel chair and I lay down on the couch. Every since the kiss an hour ago Caleb's been ignoring me, it's now 12:00 and everyone's asleep beside me and Caleb I see him just staring at the movie but you can tell he's not watching since he looks deep in thought. I get up to go to the bathroom, once I come out I see he's still deep in thought so I go straddle his lap so he will pay attention to me and not ignore me.

"Hey what are you thinking about?" I say to him holding his face in my hands

"The kiss" he says and I blush

"Oh" I say not knowing what to say

"They know we are best friends why did they make us kiss?" Caleb asks me and I shrug not knowing the answer

"It's fine Caleb did you not like the kiss?" I ask him as he tries to look away from me but I don't let him.

"No I liked the kiss it was great, it's just why do they think we like each other like that?" He says

"I liked it to, maybe we did something to make it look like we like each other that way" I say to him and notice our faces are really close to each other. I see Caleb flick his eyes to my lips and see him lean in closer so we are centimeters apart from each other. I lean in all the way to connect our lips as I let go of his face and put my hands around his neck as he wraps his arms around my waist. He pulls me closer as I run my fingers through his hair to mess it up, I feel his tongue on my lips and open my mouth for him as the kiss gets more heated. After another minute of kissing Caleb pulls away from me and pecks my lips one more time before loosening his hold on me as I open my eyes. I see his once nice fohawk is now sticking up everywhere, our eyes meet and we just stare at each other.

"That was a way better kiss" he says to me as I laugh

"Yeah it was" I say to him running my hands through his hair to fix it for him

"That was our third kiss" Caleb says as I nod he's been the only person I've kissed in my life.

"Yep your the only person I kissed" I say to him after giving upon trying to fix his hair

"Yeah I've only kissed you" Caleb says

"Well it's already 12:30 and we need some sleep" I say to him as I continue to straddle his lap since it's really comfortable.

"Yeah" he says and pecks my lips before throwing a blanket over us as I lay my head on his chest and wrap my arms around his upper chest as he wraps his around my waist again.

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