Chapter 6

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August 29,2016 (Monday)
Olivia's POV-


I wake up to the annoying noise of my alarm clock telling me it's time to get up for school. I turn it off and get up grabbing my clothes which is a pair of black nike sweat pants and a different purple hoodie that says tigers the school mascot with my last name on the back and a white tank top to go underneath it just in case it gets hot. I hop in the shower for 5 minutes and then hop out brushing my hair and leaving it natural and then putting on my clothes and throwing on a pair on Nike high tops then running downstairs to grab grab a quick breakfast of leftover chicken then running back up stairs and brushing my teeth and grabbing my book bag with everything I need in it. Then I run into the kitchen to grab my lunch and kiss my parents goodbye before I'm out the door.  My brothers don't get up till 8:00 so they can be taken to a daycare till 5:00 before my parents leave for work then Emily doesn't leave till 9 and doesn't get home till 6:00 from college. So I'm home alone for about 3 hours sometimes longer depending on if my parents go in late since they own the company with the walkers they can do whatever they want.

"Hey ready for school" Caleb says when I walk out my front door. He's wearing a pair of Nike high tops with a pair of jeans and a shirt with the schools name on it. He has his hair styled up like he always does. He's also leaning against his 2 seater Lamborghini Aventador that is black with blue accents and it's really cool. It has really nice leather seats and is really smooth driving he takes care of that car so well since he's had it for since he was 16 so about a year and a month old.

"Let's get it over with" I say to him climbing into his car as he starts it up and pulls out of the driveway. On the way to school we talk the whole way talking about his baseball practice that last a hour after school so we won't get home till 3:15.  I don't care I like watching him practice, their first game is sometime this week.

"we're here" he says and I nod getting out walking into the school next to Caleb to go to our locker which are right next to each other. Our school is really nice brick building and is really big. Inside it has about 300 classrooms and so many purple lockers but the staff is really nice so it's not the worst place you can be. Me and Caleb have the same exact schedule since we took are 2 years of gym already and the 3 years of a foreign language we did one year in 8th grade so we would have more time for study halls which we did Spanish but I don't remember much of it. 


1st period-history 7:00-7:45

2nd period-math 7:50-8:35

3rd period-language arts 8:40-9:25

4th period-science 9:30-10:15

5th period-lunch 10:20-10:45

6th period-digital art 10:50-11:15

7th period-digital art 11:20-1145

8th period-study hall 11:50-12:15

9th period-study hall 12:20-1:05

10th period-study hall 1:10-1:55

Almost all of our classes are 45 minutes each with a 5 minute bell to get to class on time the classes 5th-8th period are all the lunch periods so that's why I have 2 digital art classes since they are only 25 minute classes. I have 1 hour and 55 minutes of study's at the end of the day so me and Caleb get to do our homework before we go home and we get to talk to each other when we are done with are homework.

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