Chapter Two - Keepers in Nilo

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Ivan's POV

"I can't believe this is happening," Jef, Ivan's best friend said excitedly.

"I know. You said that for the tenth time," Ivan exclaimed but he too was excited.

Today was their Nectar Ceremony and they had been waiting for this day since they were kids. They lived in a small village in Nilo and not only were they best friends, but they were cousins. Both of their fathers died the same day while they were hunting for the village.

"All right you two," Ivan's mother said, "It's time to receive the Nectar of Ninani."

Both their mothers escorted them to a clearing. All the villagers gathered around the two. Their village Greencloak, Nuka, stood beside another Greencloak. Ivan had never seen her before.

"It is time for the Nectar Ceremony," Nuka announced a walked towards Jef.

"Jef, receive the Nectar of Ninani," Nuka instructed and Jef took a sip and stepped back.

Suddenly, there was a bright flash and there stood a huge, long cheetah. The crowd murmured in amazement as Jef grinned and gently stroked the cheetah. Nuka turned to Ivan who gulped nervously.

"Ivan, receive the Nectar of Ninani," he spoke.

Ivan took one sip and tasted the most sweetest liquid ever that he almost took another sip. Ivan stepped back and felt dizzy. Another bright flash and there stood a leopard. There were shocked gasps while Ivan stared at it in shock. That can't be a leopard, he couldn't summon a leopard cause Uraza the Leopard was a Great Beast! The leopard walked towards him and rubbed himself on his legs, making the dizziness fade away.

The female Greencloak walked towards them.

"My name is Ella," she introduced herself, "and both if you have just fulfilled a prophecy. That's not Uraza but he is still part of the prophecy. Please join us. Erdas needs you."

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