Chapter Twenty Nine - Battle Ship

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Zoron's POV

"Don't they ever give up?" John yelled.

"Don't you?" Eilene replied as another loud boom and a huge splash sounded.

As soon as they reached the ship, a Conqueror ship had been chasing them and blasting canons at them.

"This is different," John fired.

Another canon boomed, making them stumble.

"They're mad," Zoron exclaimed.

"They're Conquerors," Hope snapped, "They're always mad, for Tellun's sake, they're 'conquering' the world!"

Another nearby boom.

"Quick," Eric ordered, "Sail through a narrow river in the Hundred Isles. Their ship is two times bigger than ours. We might be able to lose them there."

"We might," Ivan muttered.

They started sailing towards the Hundred Isles. Zoron had already spotted some of the islands when more Conquerors ships appeared.

"They're going to 'conquer' our ship," John exclaimed, "Get it? Conquer, the ship?"

Everyone just stared at him.

Eilene rolled her eyes, "There's a time to joke around and a time not to."

Just then, a Conqueror ship had rammed into the side of Tellun's Pride and Conquerors started swinging into their ship.

"Are you sure they're not pirates in disguise?" Zoron asked as they started rushing forwards to help.

"Cut the whales free," Eric instructed.

"But how are we going to steer the ship?" Ivan asked.

"We have a steering wheel just in case," Ella answered.

A Greencloak was already rushing towards the steering wheel when a Conqueror had knocked the Greencloak out. Zoron ran towards the Conqueror and quickly kicked the Conqueror off the ship.

"Is he dead?" John asked.

"No, he's very much alive," Eilene answered.

"Well we're all gonna die when we hit those rocks!" Hope yelled.

Zoron looked and the ship was in fact going straight towards the rocks. More Conquerors were climbing on board and headed straight to the steering wheel.

"Quick, Zoey and Hope defend the right," Eilene instructed, "Me and John will defend from the left. Zoron, take the steering wheel."

"What?" Zoron exclaimed, "Why not you?"

"First of all, I don't know how to steer the wheel of a gigantic ship," Eilene explained.

"I don't either," he argued.

"There's a first time for everything," she went on, "And second, if the ship crashes it's your fault."

"No pressure then," Zoron muttered.

"Just take the wheel while we defend," Zoey snapped, who was fighting another Conqueror.

Zoron muttered something under his breath and took the steering wheel. All he could see was fighting.

"I can't see a thing," Zoron reported.

"Left," John gasped, "Turn left!"

Zoron started turning left, making the ship headed towards the rocks.

"I meant the other left," John exclaimed.

"There is no other left!" Zoron snapped.

"He meant right!" Eilene shouted.

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