Chapter Nineteen - Falling

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Hope's POV

It was day two and the others aren't back yet. Eilene had grown too weak that she couldn't stand anymore. The soup the woman had gave her slowed down the poison but soon, if the others aren't back yet tomorrow...

They were all sitting on the floor of Eilene's room. They wanted to keep her company. They were just talking about random things when Zoey asked a question which led to a conversation. She didn't even know how this whole thing started.

"So, Hope," Zoey was saying, "Do you like my brother?"

Everyone looked at her in surprise, mostly Zoron and Hope.

"Um...well," Hope stuttered, "Surely you already know the answer to that."

"I wanted to hear you say it," Zoey said making Hope blush.

Irene and Eilene looked on in amusement, obviously waiting for an answer.

"Uh...," Hope stammered.

Eilene coughed then said, "You know, the boy's always makes the first move."

Now everyone's eyes were on Zoron who got very nervous.

"Uh...sorry, what was the question again?" Zoron asked.

"Quit asking and answer already," Chloe snapped.

As soon as she had finished talking, Zoron said, "Yes, yes I like Hope."

"Aww," Irene and Zoey in unison while Eilene smiled at the sweetness.

Hope was non stop blushing and Zoron looked away, embarrassed.

"So, Hope," Irene said, "What's your answer?"

Hope blushed even more as she said, "Ugh, fine, I like you too."

"You know?" Zoey said, "I like this game a lot."

"I agree," Irene said then after a pause, she continued, "Hm, obviously Zoron and Hope are together."

Hope turned deep red as Zoron cleared his throat.

"What about Ivan?" Zoey asked, "Who does he like?"

"Jef," Zoron answered and everyone burst up laughing.

"No that's just...ew," Irene exclaimed, "They're cousins."

"Who do you like, Zoey?" Hope asked, teasingly.

"Is this what girls talk about all the time?" Zoron asked, "Cause it's quite...interesting."

" one really," Zoey replied.

"What about Irene?" Eilene asked.

"Zoey and Irene?" Hope exclaimed, "No they're girls!"

"That's not what I meant," she replied, rolling her eyes, "I meant who does Irene like?"

"She likes Zoron," a new voice spoke and they saw Riley enter the room.

"Hey Riley," Zoey greeted, "Glad you could join us."

"Wait, what?" Zoron exclaimed, " me?"

"Maybe a bit," Irene admitted, blushing slightly, "but you're just a friend to me now."

"Aren't we forgetting someone?" Zoey asked, "Who does John like?"

"Isn't that obvious?" Irene asked, "It's obviously Eilene here."

All eyes were on Eilene but her face gave nothing away. She was so good at hiding her true feelings.

"So, do you like him back?" Hope asked.

"How do you know that he likes me?" Eilene asked.

"Cause it's obvious how much he cares for you," Zoron answered, "and I know you feel the same."

Eilene and Zoron looked at each other and something flashed between them. As if they talked about this before.

"Whether I like him or not, it wouldn't work," Eilene said, "I don't have time for things like that."

It got silent quickly.

"Can you guys...leave me for a second?" Eilene asked, avoiding eye contact, "I need to sleep."

As they left the room, Hope glanced back at her one more time and saw a flash of sadness. She had a feeling that tomorrow wasn't going to be good.

Ivan's POV

"Hopefully...this the...last time...we're climbing," Ivan said, in between breaths.

They set out as soon as the first rays of sun were out and they've been climbing the mountain for a couple if hours now, exhausted. John looked very tired but he still kept on climbing. Ivan guessed that he didn't have much sleep last night.

"We're...almost...there," George panted.

They finally reached a ledge and they were on the ground, trying to catch their breaths. Ivan summoned Navi and started petting her. The others did the same.

"I still can't believe you named her Navi," Jef said.

"What's wrong with Navi?" Ivan asked.

"It's your name spelled backwards."

"Is their a problem?"

"Yes, a big problem. My cousin is terrible at giving names."

Just then, Navi growled at Jef.

"I'm just kidding," Jef said nervously.

"I don't think she was growling at you," Ivan told him.

He followed the leopards gaze which was fixed on a big bush behind Jef. The bush rustled and Ivan sensed another animal behind it, a huge one.

"Jef, duck!" he warned just as a huge black figure leaped out.

Jef managed to bolt out the way along with his Spirit Animal, Breeze. Ivan gasped as he saw the figure more clearly. It was a huge wildcat and dangling on its neck was the Silver Wolf.

Before anyone could do anything, John had launched himself towards the huge cat and had snatched the talisman off its neck. Everyone stared at John in shock as the wildcat shrank. They got the Silver Wolf just like that but it wasn't finished.

Everything happened so fast. The wildcat snarled then launched itself right at John who was near the edge. And before they knew it, the wildcat and John had tumbled down the tall mountain.

John died again! (If you've read my other story, "A Fairy Tale?") I'm just kidding, we don't know if he's dead...yet. Please vote and leave a comment on what you think. Stay tuned for the next chapters!

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