Chapter Twenty Four - Escaped

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George's POV

As soon as the first rays show, they set out of the village following a man named Mordik. The chief assigned Mordik to lead us to the talisman.

"What beast are we facing now?" George asked.

"It's a...rhino," Eric answered.

"Great," John muttered, "I quit."

"I'm surprised hearing that from the, oh great son of Lord Gaundor," Eilene said sarcastically.

George's eyes widened. That was the first time he heard Eilene talk back ever since their fight.

John snorted, "Son? What kind of father will betray his own son?"

"What kind of father never came back for her daughter?" Eilene mumbled, "At least your father had been there for you. At least he made sure you weren't hurt. He did what he thought was best."

"Don't lecture me," John muttered.

"I'm just saying," Eilene replied.

Before John could reply, Hope broke in, "Look who's talking again."

Both of them clamp their mouths and pretended that they did not just talk.

"Way to go, Hope," Zoron said making her laugh.

"I try," Hope said.

"Shh," Mordik ordered, "We're here."

George looked ahead and saw the watering hole. Several animals were drinking from it. On the other side of the watering hole was a jungle.

"I'm surprised there's a jungle in this hot place," John muttered.

"We found the watering hole," Irene said, "But where's the rhino?"

Just then, the bushes near the jungle parted revealing the hugest, most strongest rhino George has ever seen. Around its neck was a chain, the Amber Leopard. The huge rhino walked towards the watering hole and most of the animals ran away. The rhino bent his huge head and drank.

"Now, all we need is to get the talisman from it," Riley said.

"It's not that simple," Eric told her, "The Amber Leopard increases attack, speed, and power. One hit from that rhino and you're dead."

On the other side of the jungle, George spotted movement and he gasped as he saw Conquerors.

"Um guys," George informed, pointing towards the Conquerors, "We're not the only ones."

"Great," Ella muttered, "They have the talismans which should make things easier for them to get that rhino's talisman."

"Wait," Eilene spoke up, "I have an idea. We need a distraction."

After Eilene told them the plan, everyone had split up. George hid in some bushes and waited for the signal. The Conquerors were creeping closer and closer. Among them, he spotted Drina and Derek. Drina had the Silver Wolf while Derek had the Copper Falcon. Another Conqueror had the Marble Swan. The Conquerors were a couple of meters away from the rhino when suddenly, Riley, Ivan, and Jef ran out of their hiding spots along with their Spirit Animals and towards the rhino. They were running much faster because of their Spirit Animals.

"It's the Keepers," Derek said, coming out of his hiding places.

"Quick, stop them," Drina ordered.

With the Conquerors distracted, he saw John creeping nearer to the Conqueror who had the Marble Swan. When no one was looking, Rusty quickly leaped on top of the Conqueror and John had snatched the Marble Swan.

"He has the Marble Swan," a Conqueror yelled.

John smiled nervously as the Conquerors walked closer, "Hey, maybe we can talk this out?"

"After him!" one of the Conquerors yelled.

"No, get the Amber Leopard!" Derek commanded.

The Conquerors stopped, confused on who to listen to. John took the chance and ran. Derek muttered something out of his breath and ran after Jack, his coyote running beside him with a snarl. John was running fast but Derek was gaining on him quickly. Just when John passed a huge bush, a huge brown bear had appeared, making Derek halt into a stop. Eilene dashed out of the bush and snatched the talisman out of his neck, got Ursa back in her passive form and ran.

Drina shrieked furiously, "You stupid, no good, Conquerors. After that girl!"

The Conquerors ran after Eilene who had led them into the jungle.

"No not all of you!" Drina shrieked but only a few of the Conquerors heard and ran back.

They were still outnumbered. George saw Riley and Jef getting chased by the rhino while Ivan ran towards the Conquerors.

"Hey," Ivan yelled at them, "Come and get me slow pokes!"

All of the Conquerors except for Drina and Derek ran after him. Ivan was leading them towards where Jef and Riley were and at the last second, Riley, Jef, and Ivan split up and the rhino had drove into the Conquerors. Some of the Conquerors ran away scared while others were wounded. Eric, who was hiding nearby the rhino, quickly ran and snatched it. The rhino froze than shrank back into a normal sized rhino. The rhino didn't look as ferocious as before and ran away. The others came out of their hiding places and have circled Drina and Derek.

"Talisman please," John demanded.

Drina laughed and pulled out the talisman, "You want this? Then come and get it!"

Just then, Lazu, Zoron's Spirit Animal, had swooped down and snatched the talisman from Drina's hand.

Zoron grinned, "Thank you for your cooperation."

Drina glared at them and was about to launched herself at them but Derek held her back.

"Look, we're outnumbered," Derek explained, "Don't worry, we'll get the talismans back."

Derek and some of the wounded Conquerors quickly retreated. Drina hesitated then glared back at them before retreating after them.

"We did it!" Zoey cheered and everyone cheered and gave high fives.

"Wait," John exclaimed, "We forgot about Eilene."

Just then, there was some rustling in the bushes and Eilene stepped, out looking out of breath. She still managed to glare at them.

"Thanks for celebrating without me," Eilene said sarcastically.

"Do you have the talisman?" Ella asked.

Eilene held out the Copper Falcon, "We better get out of here before the Conquerors come back."

As Mordik led them back to their ship, George spotted John and Eilene exchanged a look and smiled. George secretly grinned, not only did the plan of getting the talismans worked, the plan also brought some friends back.

Wohoo! They're back! I think. Anyways, we are about to find out who the spy is soon enough. Please vote and leave a comment on what you think. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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