Tension's like a Fire (Ch.2)

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At first I didn't know how to react. This is Jack, not some girl. Still, I kissed back. He pulled away after a few seconds and looked at me. We were in a small space and quite sweaty.

"Sorry." Jack mumbled in a little voice. Like he did something wrong.
"No it's fine." I looked at him. He nodded and we just laid there, watching the movie, getting closer and closer. After awhile, I fell asleep to his breathing with my head on his chest.

I woke up around late noon with a major head ache and amazing nausea.
"Fucking awesome." I groaned and pushed Jack. He was practically off the bunk, half of his body dangling and the other part on top of me.

I pushed him once more and he hit me, groaning. "Jack, wake up." I hit him once more for good measure and he opened his eyes. Noticing he was practically off the bed, he crawled back in and looked at me.

"Douche." He said, hitting me with a pillow. He smiled though and kissed me. "Why'd you wake me up at this amazing hour anyways?" He said, looking at me from top to bottom. I followed his gaze before looking back at him.

"Cause I'm lonely." I said. He rolled his eyes. I kissed him and he pulled me on top of him. He pulled away for a second and grinned, before it turned into a slight frown.

"What?" I asked with a suspecting tone. I wanted him to tell me everything on his mind, I wanted to know everything he thought about. He just shrugged before opening the bunk curtain and getting off me, like I was a disease. I didn't do anything wrong, did I?

"What's up, Jack?" I mumbled to him, unsure if I would upset him. I placed my hand on his chest, wanting to pull him back to me. He just grabbed my wrist and looked me in the eyes. His eyes were perfect. I wished I could see what he was thinking just through those amazing eyes.

With one hand, he grabbed both my wrists. With the other, he closed the bunk curtain. And he kissed me like I had never been kissed before. I knew his intentions through the kiss.
"Don't move." He whispered, huskily. I did as I was told.

I felt like this was a short chapter, but I dunno. I like it, though c: comment and vote it means a lot, really! ily

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