Fingerprints Sold Me Out (Ch. 7)

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I sat down at the table, running a hand through my pink hair. The line for the meet and greet was already wrapped around other merch sites. The girls in line were jumping up and down or crying. Or both. Looking up, I smiled and winked at them. They started screaming.

"No teasing the fangirls." Jack said, jokingly. I laughed and hit him.
"Yeah, don't lead those teen girls on, Alex. They will attack!" Zack said back with a grin. I chuckled before taking my sunglasses off. Bad idea. It was so hot and bright out today. Damn California sun.

"Two minutes, guys. Wait - where's Rian?" Matt said, looking around. Where was he? He was usually first unless there was a Starbucks near by, and since it's Warped, he probably didn't risk stepping outside the gated area or he would be mobbed by girls between the ages of thirteen and twenty five.

"I'm here, I'm here!" Rian said, running past the line of teen girls. Some took a chance and got out of line to chase after him. They got pushed to the back of the line. I rolled my eyes at Rian and smiled.
"What happened? Forget your ID?" I said with a laugh. If you forget your ID, you have to go all the way back to the bus and get it. It sucks. Rian mumbled something back and everyone erupted into laughter. Everyone has a day like that at least once on Warped.

I took Jack's hand in mine and played with his fingers before looking at his face. He gave me a shy smile and ruffled my hair.
"Let's do this." Jack said with a wink before standing up as the first line of girls ran in.

We signed their posters, shirts, shoes, anything you could think of. Jack kissed my cheek before the last group came in and I knew that was a bad idea before it happened. Screams were heard from the line and every girl was taking pictures. Zack couldn't help but laugh.

"Smooth, Jack. Really." He said with a grin before punching Jack in the arm. Jack blushed and shrugged, punching Zack back. Of course, it didn't effect Zack, though. That guy was made of steel.

The girls came up at their turn and kept asking the normal questions:
'Is Jalex real?'
'Make the kids believe, right?'
'I thought it was a unicorn?'
'Can you kiss again?'
It was hilarious, yet we answered the questions normally. Mysterious, never leaning any way more than the other. Finally, it was the last girl. She was quiet, only herself. She smiled softly at us and whispered, "Is Jalex real?" Looking at Jack, I nodded and leaned to the girl. "It's real, sweetie." I whispered in her ear before kissing her forehead.

Finally, the meet and greet was over and we went back to the bus. Of course, Tay was there, waiting. I groaned and told Jack to go in without me.

"You sure?" Jack asked, squeezing my hand. I nodded and bit my lip, a nervous habit. He knew that and chuckled quietly.
"Don't get killed." He said and hugged me before saying hello to Tay. She rolled her eyes in reply and watched him enter the bus.

"Really, Alex? You dumped me for him? Come back to me." Tay said, running her hands down her shiny, brown hair. I was tempted to take her hands in mine, like I had done for the past two years whenever we would argue. I shoved my hands in my pockets and nodded.
"Yeah. I love him. Clearly, you don't know what love is when you were cheating on me anyways!" I said, shaking my head as I walked up to the bus.

Tay grabbed my hands in hers, pulling me close. "Fine, Alex. Do what you want, but you know where to find me." She whispered in my ear. I pushed her away with one hand.
"I won't need to find you." I said, looking at the woman I once called the love of my life. Pursed red lips, my old black GK hoodie, denim shorts and red high top converse. That attracted me before. Not anymore. Jack was the person I loved. Not some girl who sleeps with people I could call friends.

"Good bye, Tay." I said to her before entering the bus. Jack saw me and smiled, kissing me softly as if I was fragile. I could get used to this feeling. This feeling called love.

awh happy alex makes me happy. thanks for reading. comment and vote it helps a lot with pushing me to write more and ily!

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