Chapter 3: It's a Witch!

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Lucille's P.O.V.~

   "What's with the bright light.." I groaned as I opened my eyes to see that it was morning and Merlin, standing in front of me.

  "Good job!" Merlin said, smiling. "You met all of my expectations. As a reward, this lion here is yours."

  "I don't think that lions are portable.." I said, yawning a bit and stretched my arms.

  "Don't worry." He said. "All you need to do is call her name three times and she will appear."

   "Okay, Dong! I'll make you appear everyday then!" I exclaim, hugging the lion, who was happy with the attention I was giving it.

  "Umm.. What was the name again?" Merlin asked, looking like he was about to laugh.

  "It's Dong. Do you have a problem with that?" I asked cocking one of my eyebrows. "The name has a lot of meaning and I'm sure plenty of others would agree with me."

   "Hahaha.. No.. I have no problems with it.." Merlin said, silently laughing making it seem like he was chocking on air.

  "Can we go see the witch yet?" I ask Merlin. "I'm kinda ready to move on to the next stage."

   "We must wait till dark to reach her house first, so we need to start leaving right now." He said.

  In front of the witch's house~

  "From here is the way to the witch's house." Merlin said, pointing to a candy sidewalk.

  "Is this a real candy house?" I asked.

  "Yes, this is a real candy house. The witch turns people into candy and the prince is one of them." He said. "She also likes to eat candy too so in order to get the prince back, you must give her a delicious one. Once you do, she will allow you to take of the candies off of her wall."

  "All the candies look the same, too." He continued. "You must make your own decision."

  "Oh okay!" I exclaimed. What candy shall I give her..?

  "What happens if I can't do it?" I asked.

  "Didn't you fight against the evil spirits by yourself and protected Dong..?" Merlin said, then corrected himself. "Hahaha~ the lion?"

   "True.." I said.

  "Now you will be on your own from now on. Remember don't eat any candies or you'll be turned into a candy yourself." Merlin said, with a wave.

  "Yes sir!"

  In the witch's house~

  "Umm.. Hello?" I asked as I poke my head through the candy door.

    "Are you lost my dear?" The witch asked. The witch does not look like a witch but for all that I know, that's how witches are supposed to look like, except for the ones in animes.

   "Umm.. Yes Ma'am." I nod.

   "Please come in and rest then!" She exclaimed and I went to the table where she sat. "Come and have some candies."

  "No thank you." I said. "I'll take one if you eat mine."

   I hand her a piece of a frog gummy. There is no way this can fail since witch's love frogs and it's only from the human world.

  "It's so chewy and sweet! I've never tasted anything like this before! How about we trade?" The witch said.

  "Can I choose any candy off the wall?" I asked.

  "Y-Yes, of course!" She said.

   I look on the wall suspiciously. "What is your favorite flavour?" I asked.

  "I like green apple." The witch said smiling. It's a green apple one!

  "Actually, I like s-strawberry.." She stuttered.

  Yeah, yeah totally loves strawberry.. Lol no.

  I moved my hand to the furthest green apple candy and see her smile. As I moved my hand to the next candy, I watched as her smile turned into a slight frown. As I moved my hand to the candy in the middle of the wall, the witch made a panicked face. This is Prince Arthur!!

   The witch made a nervous smile. "Have you decided yet?"

  I nod and pointed to the candy in the middle.

   "What?!?" The witch shrieked as I pulled out the candy.

"You must not take this candy!" She said, pouncing on me. I stumbled back a bit and then watched magically as some cotton candy wrapped around her then shot her into the sky.

"Well done!" I hear Merlin say behind me. I turned around.

"Please give me the candy." He stated, putting a hand out which I dropped the candy in.

All of a sudden, magical wind came out of no where and a boy, about 8 years old appeared.

"Teacher." He said then turns towards me.


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