Chapter 38: Arthur's Vow

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  Lucille's P.O.V.~

  On the way back to my room, we managed to run into Merlin.

  "Your Royal Highness," he greeted Arthur with a bow. "And soon to be His Majesty."

  "Teacher," Arthur greeted back. "I'm ready to fight for England and become a good King to rule over these people."
  "Um," Merlin stammered for once, making him seem really out of character. "Then I shouldn't be worried about you becoming King. However, you have to be ready to make some sacrifices along the way."

"Like what?" Arthur asked him.

"Well, some things you must let go." Merlin looked at me especially. "That being said, Lucille, you may go back to your home world once more."

  "I made a promise to stay here though," I spoke for the first time in the conversation. "I promised to see Lancelot with Arthur."

  "Lucille.." He sighed. "Arthur, put her down so I can talk to her privately."

  Arthur obliged and Merlin strolls over to me.

  "You must remember that this is a game." He whispered to me. "Every person here has their fate decided for them already as well."

  "I know that." I told him. "But what if you're wrong about this?"

  "That's good enough that you understand." He said. "Just make sure to clean the disc when you go back to your world."

   "Go back..?" I questioned him. "Why should I?"

  "To make sure nothing bad happens to the CD as well." Merlin replied. "If something happens, your game progress will disappear."

  "I understand, but I'll leave after making sure Lancelot is safe." I said and left the hallway to find am awaiting Arthur. I grabbed Arthur's hand. "Let's go sleep now."

  As we entered his bedroom chambers, Arthur's face turned gloomy.

  "Is he sending you back?" He asked and I sighed, knowing that I couldn't keep anything away from Arthur.

  "I'll try to stay here for Lancelot.." I said, and noticed his expression fall. "And you as well, of course."

  "Really?" He asked, his eyes lighting up immediately. "It can't be helped then. It would be rather boring and stressful without you here."

  "What is that?" I smirked and his face turned red. "Did you just say what I thought I heard..?"

  "No!" He objects loudly. "I said it'd be still lively and less stressful if you're not here."

  "Well, that's rather mean of you." I poured and he sighed, probably thinking that I believed him. But I don't-
  "Let's just go to sleep then." I said glumly, going to his bed and covering myself with his bedsheets. "I'm tired anyways."

  Arthur then blew out the candles and climbed in next to me. I could feel his heartbeat from the small enclosed space we were sharing and his warmth.

  "Lucille," He said. "If I made you upset, I'm sorry."

  I remained silent and he continued. "I just don't want to ruin our friendship.. From my selfish desires."

  I flipped sides and watched as Arthur cupped my cheek.

  "Is it bad that I can't see you as the foolish girl I saw when I was younger?" He asked me. "Every time I see you with another man, it pains my heart."

  "What do you mean?" I asked, my heart rate also accelerating quickly.

  "I just want you by my side." He confesses. "I don't want you to be with any other man except me."

  "Lucille," He continues. "Ever since I first met you, I've been entranced by your looks and personality. I honestly thought a goddess saved me from that witch and even now, you are still the goddess that I saw that day."

  "So you're saying.."

  "That I want you to be with me and love me the way I love you." Arthur said and I could feel my cheeks burn. "I need you to complete me."

  "I-I.." I stammered and Arthur sighed glumly.

  "You're going to deny me, aren't you.." He said crestfallenly and I shook my head no violently.

  "No, I was just so happy that you confessed to me." I said and his eyes widened. "I felt something for you as well, and you also do the same for me."

  As much as it was dark in the room, Arthur's smile seemed to light up it. "So what you're saying is, that you'll be my girlfriend and future Queen of Britain?"

  "Yes." I said and Arthur pulls me close to his chest for a tight hug.

  "I'm not dreaming about this for the billionth time, am I now?" He asked and I hugged him back. "Please tell me I'm not dreaming."

  "You're not." I confirmed and laughed a bit. "You're stuck with me now."

"I swear on my title as a knight, I will never make you unhappy and keep you safe." Arthur swore. "Even if I forget you, I'll do my best not to hurt you."

  We continued to cuddle together on his bed, however, as my tired eyes began to shut, Merlin's words came floating in my mind.

  This is a game. Every person here has their fate decided for them already as well.

  What if I can change this fate..?


  To be completely honest, this chapter brought somewhat painful memories for me- But I will cherish them as much as die in the inside from them as well-

Anyways, I really hope you enjoyed this chapter~! Please vote and comment and I hope to see y'all in my next one~!^.^*

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